We've Got Bigger Problems
We have some guy who almost no one knew about until he got indicted, and all of a sudden he's big news. Just out of nowhere someone who isn't even important enough for anyone to realize his existence and when he gets indicted everyone's writing about him. Not me. The media has done an overkill on this story already and if you just look at it for a minute, it's not at all important. So what if the vice's adviser steps down? He'll get replaced sooner or later, and nothing will change. The economy won't change. The presidents decisions won't change. Nothing will change.
On this story the media has over-reacted. But there is something more dangerous than that and that's under-reaction, or no reaction at all.
Right now there are two huge stories going on and both are being covered up by the media to make room for Scooter.
Story #1
The president of Iran says Israel needs to be wiped off the map. Maybe you don't realize it's importance so I'll repeat myself, the president of Iran is calling for the genocide of the jewish people in Israel.
So where are our Jewish congressmen when we need them? Why can they make Scooter such a big deal and forget about the new Hitler? Where's Dianne Feinstein, or Chuck Schumer? Both Jewish, both in important positions, and both running their mouths about Scooter instead of Hitler the second.
Again, they're over-reacting on the oh so important Scooter, and have totally fogotten about someone who wants to kill all of their people!
Story #2
The president of Syria denies government involvement in the murder of a lebanese official. America pushes UN into investigating.
This is another war waiting to happen right here! The UN investigates, they will most likely find nothing, we will push the useless idiots aside and find out for ourselves.
While on this subject I want to remind where I'm coming from with the reason for being in Iraq. It's the strategic standpoint. We're bordering both Syria and Iran, obviously two countries that will soon be getting involved with us.
Another under-reaction here.
So now I ask you to please forget about Scooter for a minute, he'll get replaced and everything will be dandy. It's not so simple with our war on terror. If things continute the way they are going, Syria and Iran will be major problems in the very near future and you can't indict Syria and Iran and get them replaced.
At 29/10/05 12:33 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Thanks for the shallow and meaningless spam!
At 29/10/05 1:00 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
let me ask you, is your avatar an actual picture of you?
You are welcome gnome.
Are you proud to be an American?
More proud than you'll ever be you lowly pile of turd.
You are welcome gnome.
I can't wait to add this to my list of insults. Too bad this one lacks, I dunno intelligence.
In the meantime, have a fun life.
I'm having a blast! Talking to morons like you is the most fun thing I could ask for. Thanks for the entertainment!
At 29/10/05 1:35 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Next on the tour is the domesticated chimpanzee. Just look to your left and you'll find one. Some of their special traits are
extremly stupid
lack of ability to have a debate, and can only come up with sub-par insults instead of counter-points
They usually live with their mom
Proper spelling and grammar is to complicated for them to handle.
Throws rocks while living in a glass blog (yeah I saw your blog it sucks big time compared to mine. Wow pictures and captions under them, real deep and meaningful)
This species is extremly rare so I ask that you take your pictures now.
At 29/10/05 2:56 PM,
Gayle said…
Cody, you have outdone yourself this time; both with your post and your comments. "Lowly pile of turd" makes a great addition to your evolving list of insults. One of these days you should blog them... they make for great reading! :)
The worst I've been called is an old hag... I'm jealous! You would think they could come up with something other than attempting to use my age against me, wouldn't you? It didn't bother me a bit because I'm proud of every year I have spent on this earth and the many things I have accomplished. Each birthday is a cause for celebration. They too will reach my age one day, er, or not.
At 29/10/05 3:13 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Cody, you have outdone yourself this time; both with your post and your comments. "Lowly pile of turd" makes a great addition to your evolving list of insults. One of these days you should blog them... they make for great reading! :)
Actually I can't add the "lowly pile of turd" to the list since that's what I was calling him (the italic is what he said and non italic is what I said), but I guess I can add his boring insults on there.
Anyways, glad you like the post! I've seemed to forget I was the one who doesn't get angry when talking to shills, oops. Oh well, he had it coming to him.
The worst I've been called is an old hag... I'm jealous! You would think they could come up with something other than attempting to use my age against me, wouldn't you?
And I get called 15 like it was a swear word or something, just read what he says.
I only just looked at your profile. Sorry. Did not realise you were only 15.
I will talk to you again in 10-15 years... when you have a propoer opinion.
In the meantime, have a fun life.
I tried not to insult him back, but I hadn't had my coffee yet, so I wasn't in a nice mood.
At 29/10/05 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
YOu alright Cody? You seem... angry... (Just kidding, you have every right to be.) Anyway, this whole Scooter Libby thing is the news media going "Look what the Republicans did!" and the US going, oh... ok that's nice... Honestly, no one actually cares about it, the yjust wish they could get evryone angry at the Republicans.
At 29/10/05 5:30 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
It's too bad though when the administration can't think for themselves, and their advisors have to do everything for them. And then, oops, no more advisor. Yeah, we'll see what happens.
At 29/10/05 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
If the administration cant think for themselves then the alleged problems lefties like to pin on them isnt their fault right? Honestly, please be consistent in your arguements.
At 29/10/05 7:03 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
The administration is everyone involved, however I was speaking specificaly of the president and V.P. Also, I feel it is ABSOLUTELY appropriate to be fairly dissapointed in a president incapable of a logical thought. But, you know, maybe that doesn't matter to some people...
At 29/10/05 7:22 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
This may be news to you allisoni, but every president has a cabinet, yes even the Democrats.
At 29/10/05 8:10 PM,
Gayle said…
Liberals are really insanely mad about a Republican being in the White House, aren't they? I'm sure they will say "what we are mad about it "Bush" being in the White House." If so, that's completely untrue. They'd be mad about any Republican in the White House. I absolutely detested Clinton but wasn't any where near as angry as they are. I truly don't understand it. But it doesn't matter... He's there.
At 29/10/05 11:23 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
Clinton wasn't an absolute moron. He was intelligent and did amazing things for our country, and I'm sick of Conservatives having a cow over the affair that had NOTHING to do with his position as president. No matter who is in the White House, if they are as stupid as George Bush I don't see why it's so absurd to be angry.
Rove is widely known as "Bush's brain," which is really quite sad, especially because it's obvious that Bush can't use his own. Cheney losing his advisor isn't that big of a deal, as he's only V.P., but it still hurts to lose someone who's always telling you what to do and when to do it.
At 30/10/05 7:35 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Excuse me! It's okay for you to call Bush a moron, but we can't say anything about Clinton?!
Lets get something straight, Bush is not an idiot. You are for all of the bull crap spewing out of your mouth.
He was intelligent and did amazing things for our country
yeah, I'm listening, what did he do?
Rove is widely known as "Bush's brain," which is really quite sad, especially because it's obvious that Bush can't use his own.
Every president has an advisor, even the intelligent Clinton.
and I'm sick of Conservatives having a cow over the affair that had NOTHING to do with his position as president.
And I'm sick of people like you slamming the president for no reasons but he's "stupid".
I have no patience for people who want to flame the president without any actuall arguments and only call him a moron, or stupid.
Smarten up or take a hike.
At 30/10/05 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Allosoni said... a president incapable of a logical thought.
You never backed that up,does this mean YOU are incapable of logical thought?
At 30/10/05 2:00 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
If you need me to make a list of Clinton's accomplishments, then you obviously know nothing about his presidency and therefore should have nothing at all to say about him.
Yes, every president has an advisor, but not many president (and vice presidents) are as reliant on them as these men currently are.
All the arguments I could present and have presented stem from the fact that he isn't capable of being the President of the United States. Simple as that, really.
At 30/10/05 4:34 PM,
Gayle said…
Phantom, I would, but not on this blog because I don't have control of the delete button. I believe Cody wants these stupid comments to stand so everyone can see just who these people are.
I have another point to make here. It has been proven that Bush's IQ is 15 points higher than Kerry's. It was actually shown on Fox News during the Presidential Debates. And if Allisoni voted for Kerry and she thinks Bush is stupid, what does that say about her mental state?
At 30/10/05 4:36 PM,
Gayle said…
Okay, I just remembered she's 18, which means she didn't vote during the last election. She probably would have voted for Kerry if she could have, I'd be willing to bet on it!
At 30/10/05 11:12 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
He cheated his way through school, has been arrested several times, had not a single ounce of political experience before becoming governor (but who cares, when you're the president's son?), and has ruined what I once called America. Numbers on FOX News obviously have NOTHING to do with it.
At 30/10/05 11:14 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
Wait, did I really forget that he was MIA during Vietnam, as well? Jeeze, that son of a gun just never fails.
At 31/10/05 6:20 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
He cheated his way through school, has been arrested several times, had not a single ounce of political experience before becoming governor (but who cares, when you're the president's son?), and has ruined what I once called America.
The only way you could actually prove that he cheated in school is if you went to school with him. Not very likely.
America is the best it could ever be here with president Bush in power. Imagine how terrorists would have taken this country over by now if Kerry were president.
Numbers on FOX News obviously have NOTHING to do with it.
Of course the numbers have a lot to do with a lot. You tell me what is more relevant. Bush used to be a partier, or Bush was smart? Which has more of an effect on him today? Not the parties, it's the brain.
And he is not stupid. You only say that because he doesn't believe in the same idiology as you.
Just leave the guy alone. There is no reason to for Democrats to act so immature just because there is a Republican in power and not a Democrat. Just accept it.
At 31/10/05 6:23 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
How did I know this would happen. I talk about how the war on terror needs more attention and it turns into another "Bush sux" "Na-ah" battle.
So I'll say it here. We've got bigger problems. There are more important things than whether you like the president or not. right now we have terrorism run amuck.
At 31/10/05 11:33 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
It would help, though, if we fixed our own problems before invading a few more countries. Just a thought.
Also, if you have read anything about the current president, you would not be denying much of what I just commented. It's true and proven, no matter what you want to believe. Personally, I don't feel it appropriate to call someone with three DWIs under their belt "smart." You can make up your own mind, but I have no idea why you would feel much differently.
At 1/11/05 6:22 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Hey, you think Clinton is smart after a sex scandal, so why can't I think Bush is smart after something like that?
Neither effect the persons ability to be president.
At 1/11/05 6:11 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
Alcohol impairs someones senses, and depending on the situation can very possibly result in death. Usually sex doesn't have that same effect. Maybe for some people, but I don't know of any...
At 1/11/05 7:28 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Alcohol impairs someones senses, and depending on the situation can very possibly result in death.
True, but unlike Ted Kennedy, Bush doesn't drink anymore.
The point is is that This and Clintons scandel are both equally irrelevent to their ability to be a president right now.
At 1/11/05 10:21 PM,
Gayle said…
"Personally, I don't feel it appropriate to call someone with three DWIs under their belt "smart."
Most people grow with age and learn from their mistakes. They don't forever remain the same people they were when they were young and reckless. It's interesting how the Democrats cannot forgive Bush for being a little wild in his youth, but love Kennedy who ran off and left Monica in a car underwater, and is still drinking to this very day. They can forgive Clinton who didn't really have sex in the White House, who committed adultery and who lied under oath. Is this a double standard or what? Is it that Democrats can be easily forgiven because one expects them to be immoral in the first place? Just wondering.
At 1/11/05 11:03 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
For whatever reason, you see nothing at all wrong with the current president's ability to handle his position. That is beyond me, as everything I debate on here is absolutely common sense. Clinton did amazing things for our country, and Gayle, you are older than Cody and therefore should recall some of those things. Did he do things in his personal life that you disagreed with? Apparantly so. Did he have a positive record as one of the best presidents in recent history? That would be another yes.
President Bush has violated both of those categories. He has proven little of himself in his life outside of his job and is also currently running a massive chain of failures in the White House. Can any of that be denied? It is becoming very clear that both Democrats and Republicans have large issues with current events in this country, and if anything, more people need to take a stand against ignorance and admit the faults of their "beloved" president.
At 2/11/05 6:18 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Whatever, I don't care what you tell me. In my mind he's the greatest president we've ever had. Go on, call me an idiot. I don't care, I'm not going to change my mind no matter how many times you tell me he's an idiot, or a failure, or doesn't do anything right. It has no effect on me because none of it is true, Bush has done great things, sure he's made a few mistakes, just like any other president, but he's done great things.
But keep ranting on about how he should be impeached, it's laughable. If Kerry were president we would be in the same situations as we are with Bush and you would love him. The whole Republican vs Democrat thing gets old, fast.
At 2/11/05 6:20 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
If you guys haven't noticed yet I've done a little work to the sidebar on this blog. Now I've got an insult counter. I'm up to 52.
At 2/11/05 12:32 PM,
Drew Dallons said…
Sorry, had too.
*Just a note, Cody... you're pretty well worded and knowledgeable for someone your age. I don't for a second agree with you politically, but at least you are doing more than most teens your age... like playing GTA, watching Laguna Beach on MTV, and listening to gangsta rap.*
Howard Zinn said once, "You can't be neutral on a moving train." This goes both ways. Stick to your guns or be a opinionless lemming in society.
At 2/11/05 8:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think he is the best. Maybe the third best.
At 3/11/05 12:36 AM,
Gayle said…
Drew said "Howard Zinn said once, "You can't be neutral on a moving train." This goes both ways. Stick to your guns or be a opinionless lemming in society."
Absolutely! Although you disagree with conservative politics you prove yourself to be fair-minded. Good for you!
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