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Sunday, September 04, 2005

"I'll punch him"

Sen. Mary Landrieu threatened the president of the United States with physical violence on Sunday, saying that if he or any other government official criticizes New Orleans police for failing to keep civil order in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - "I might likely have to punch him - literally."

"If one person criticizes [our sheriffs], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," Landrieu railed on "ABC's "This Week."

I am completely speechless, this is just crazy. Not to mention illegal. But wait Its not over yet.

"The president came here yesterday for a photo-op," Landrieu charged, while surveying the disaster scene via helicopter with "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos in tow. "He got his photo-op but we are never going to get this fixed if he does not send us help now."

Yep, blame it on Bush. What do you expect him to do? He doesn't work for the red cross. He's doing all he can do, the people that can help are the red cross.

Landrieu also blamed Bush for cutting funding for levee improvement, before bursting into tears on camera.

Funny thing ms. Landrieu, it's actually the local governments responsiblity to take care of themselves if there is a disaster. From what I've seen Bush has done a good amount of help, even though he doesn't need to. But I can see your doing a whole lot. *sarcasm*. I think you need to resign now that you and the rest of your local government are responsible of thousands of unneeded deaths, and the best cover up you've got is to make Bush look like the devil himself. Good job.


  • At 4/9/05 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bursting into tears is a favorite of the liberals cause it takes the focus off their ridicolous arguements.

  • At 5/9/05 3:06 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Don't jump to conclusions, I don't agree with what Pat Robertson said either. In fact, Hugo Chavez is donating oil to us right now.

    I beilive in having strict laws. So even though he is a Conservative, that doesn't change my views on strict laws any. Not to mention I disagreed with what he said anyways.

  • At 6/9/05 12:56 AM, Blogger OTTMANN said…

    A senator of the U.S. Congress should know better. Landrieu should step down immediately. She is far too emotional for the job, as are most democrats.

    Blaming Bush is just another opportunity for democrats to step in the same pile of divisive crap they always do.

    Is it any wonder why they keep losing more people?

  • At 6/9/05 6:19 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    And I'll tell you the most ironic part. Its actually the local governments to handle local disasters, not the federal government. So really, Bush was doing more than he needed to, and while the local government were complaining they had no plan whatsoever to get their own people out. Pretty sad, huh.

  • At 6/9/05 6:42 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I've updated the article.

  • At 6/9/05 10:59 AM, Blogger Drew Dallons said…

    What exactly is FEMA for? Isn't that a government agency? I disagree here. It is most definitely the government's responsibility to manage large disasters (such as one that effects three states as well as the national economy). Taxpayers from those states PAY for that. This is one of the roles of government YOUR tax dollars pay for. Funny how when Ivan and Charlie rolled though Florida, GW Bush was right there on the grould as soon as he could get there to help out brother Jeb. But three days after the levees broke and put America's 23rd largest metropolois underwater, what was Bush doing? Lets see... he played some guitar, ate some of John McCain's birthday cake... played a little golf. Oh... oh yeah. Can't forget he cut his vacation short by a day to fly over NOLA and do some incredibly lame news conference about how bad the devestation was. Thank you, Captain Obvious!
    As for Sen. Landrieu... if you can seriously take her comment in the context it was givien, and imply that she was threatening the President, then I have a bridge to sell you. She should just send him a bag of pretzels and let fate take care of itself.

  • At 6/9/05 2:23 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Nope it was the local governments fault. There are things the local can do and the federal government can't, a lot of things actually.
    They had absolutly no supplies at the super dome, they didn't even attempt to bring people out from New Orleans, and when they take the weight off their shoulders by blaming Bush, you lefties actually believe them.

    And a threat is a threat, I don't care if she carries through with it or not, its still illegal, but you libs just hate the law for some reason, maybe because it prevents you from smoking crack all day.

  • At 6/9/05 3:37 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    One of my best friend is a staunch Republican and is always at my throat about my liberal views. Today, in discussion about the hurricane relief effort, she said, "Our president deserves to be slapped." I couldn't agree more, although impeachment would be preferred...

  • At 6/9/05 4:38 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    wow, you just missed the point of the whole article, just because I'm a Republican doesn't mean I'm automaticly wrong, jeez.

  • At 6/9/05 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Impeanchment for a Hurricane. Nice. Whenever the left has a problem they blame Bush like a bunch of 5 year olds.

  • At 6/9/05 11:59 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Thanks for the clarification, gameguy.

  • At 7/9/05 6:32 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    yeah, your lie is easier to follow now...

    If you want to blame people for being late, blame people that were actually late. Bush was there, Cheney was not.

  • At 7/9/05 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    FEMA did do a crappy job. However Bush did all in his power so stop confusing the two and STOP BLAMING MY PRESIDENT for EVERYTHING!!!

  • At 7/9/05 10:56 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I might stop balming him if everything would stop being his fault.

  • At 8/9/05 6:18 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    And just to add something. The day after the hurricane hit, remember, the levees hadn't broken yet and people were saying that New Orleans "dogded the bullet" People didn't expect the levees to break that much time after the storm. That proplem made things confusing to some and delayed some.

  • At 9/9/05 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alisonni Balloni: "I might stop balming him if everything would stop being his fault."

    Balming? I said blaming. Oh but I'm just a kid. (Who can spell.) Anyway, how the heck is a natrael disaster his fault? This is an act of God (who exists despite what the more crazy liberals might think) so stop blaming people for it. You just hate Bush cause he's a good Republican.

  • At 9/9/05 4:34 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Face it DS, your spelling sucks, and my grammar sucks. lol.


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