PCP Overdose
Recently at many Wal-Mart stores, door greeters were no longer able to say "Merry Christmas" to their shoppers, they had to say "Happy Holidays" instead.
This is not some huge coincidence by politically correct door greeters. The Wal-Mart officials made sure the phrase "Merry Christmas" would no longer be spoken in any Wal-Mart and would be replaced with "Happy Holidays".
Now this wasn't something the door greeters wanted to have to do, but it was either be PC or be SOL. There is nothing wrong with saying Happy Holidays, but when you restrict it to that you are simply breaking the first ammendment, and your freedom of religion.
Thankfully, a Catholic Civil Rights group threatened to boycott Wal-Mart if they didn't stop being PC, and as a result, Wal-Mart apologized and said they would not leave Christmas out, nor would they with any other holidays.
I realize not everyone celebrates Christmas but isn't everyone entitled to their own individual beliefs, even door greeters? Wouldn't it be appropriate for a door greeter to say Merry Christmas if they're Christian and someone could say Happy Channukha back if they're Jewish? I believe everyone is entitled to celebrating their own beliefs if it's not imposing them on another person, and saying Merry Christmas to someone is not imposing a believe, just celebrating it.
Maybe saying Happy Holidays would be more appropriate, but if you don't have the right to celebrate your own beliefs because not everyone is like you, then there is a problem. Especially if it turns into a slippery slope effect and Wal-Mart were to stop selling products relating to any specific holiday at all. That would mean no Christmas trees, Santa stuffed animals, Christmas books, Christmas cards or anything Christmas and the same for other holidays. Only just general, generic, Happy Holidays.
Now Wal-Mart isn't the only place that's on PCP. Although they decided to stop, you will find that many businesses don't let their employees say Merry Christmas or have Christmas related objects at their cubicle, only general Happy Holidays stuff. I've even heard stories where employees at businesses got fired for not being PC. Like I said, these people get two options. To be PC or to be SOL. All of this just because for some reason people think the word celebrate is synonymous with impose.
America was built under one huge belief. Freedom of religion. It is against what America was built for to lose your right to celebrate your own beliefs. Again I say celebrate, not impose. To impose a religion is the opposite of what America is, but imposing is not the same thing as celebrating. To celebrate Christmas you will have a Christmas tree, listen to Christmas music, go to a Christian church and say Merry Christmas. To impose you are asking that other people should do the same.
At least one place has cut down on the PCP, but it is a very addictive drug and it's spreading very fast. But don't worry, the doctor is in and I'll be curing the PCP addiction everywhere.
(More to come on general political correctness and why I have a problem with it. If you don't understand where I'm coming from, it will all be explained to you in the next few days.)
At 12/11/05 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't see anything wrong with saying Happy Holidays but I do see something wrong with enforcing it with the threat of lawsuits.
At 13/11/05 10:42 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
I don't see anything wrong with saying Happy Holidays but I do see something wrong with enforcing it with the threat of lawsuits.
True, Happy Holidays isn't so bad but if you believe in the slipprey slope effect you will believe that it would get worse from there. What if Wal-Mart stopped selling fake Christmas trees, Christmas cards, Reindeer stuffed animals, stockings and the such? Call me crazy but I think if people didn't call for a boycott Wal-Mart would be on their way to be doing that.
At 13/11/05 11:00 AM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
Why do you have such a problem with pleasing everyone? DO you realize that a lot of people don't celebrate Christmas? Being politically correct IS important, and if you were the one being offended you might understand that.
Oh, and Wal-Mart is the worst American development EVER.
At 13/11/05 11:22 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
So you can't celebrate your holiday if you want to? Would it be wrong to have Christmas stuff at your cubical while the person next to you has haunica stuff? I think not. If I want to buy a Christmas tree and celebrate a holiday, I am going to and the PC morons aren't going to stop me because I know nobody is getting offended.
And don't speak for other people Alisoni baloni, it's a very bad habit the Liberals have. If someones is offended they'll say it, and if everyone is happy then there is no problems.
Cut down on the PCP AB.
At 13/11/05 11:32 AM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
"Haunica?" You know nothing! About anything! Yes, it is a violation to implement the cublice regulations yuo speak of. But that has nothing at all to do with Wal-Mart. No stores will ever stop selling Christmas decorations, and that is not even probable to assume. Especially greedy, terrible Wal-Mart, which will stop at nothing to make money. I know of no stores that refuse to sell holiday decorations that don't have to do with Christmas, and therefore they ALSO sell items for the other winter holidays.
Have you ever had a Jewish classmate? Have you ever been in an elementary school holiday concert? I have been in many with several peers of different backgrounds, and it is not at all exhaggerating to say that they don't even KNOW the Christmas songs that echo through stores, etc. this time of year. When I ring bells for the Salvation Army I say "Happy Holidays." Why? Because it offends no one. Hardcore-Catholics are absolute nutjobs. I can say that because I have been driven away fro mthat religion by them. Anyone who thinks they can force their beliefs on other pepole is absolutely wrong, end of story.
At 13/11/05 11:44 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Being politically correct IS important, and if you were the one being offended you might understand that.
So how exactly do you understand it then, you're not being offended by anyone are you?
Being Politically correct IS a horrible addiction.
PC would by something to think about, if people were actually being offended. But I have never offended any Jewish kids by simply celebrating Christmas. Give this feeeling crap a rest, please.
The only thing that is offending me is the fact that I can get in trouble for Celebrating a Holiday, or using race as a discriptor to describe what a person looks like, or even saying mail-man instead of mail-person.
Maybe you think I'm hateful, think what you want but I am not going to stop being me just because I'm near someone who isn't anything like me.
Don't try to address a problem that doesn't exist. Just because you feeel bad for people, doesn't mean they are feeeling bad. Don't be offended for people just because they can't be offended themselves.
This is a big reason why I'm a Conservative. Liberals don't trust anyone and they think everyone is a moron that can't do anything for themselves (even be offended) so they have to do it for them.
Conservatives believe in the Constitution where all men are created equal and are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And freedom, we like freedom to make our own choices as long as their within the law, the Liberals think we're all just puppets that need someone to controll the strings.
It looks like I've done a fair amount of ranting here, but you get the point. And if it was too long I'll just say this: PC = pointless corrections.
At 13/11/05 11:58 AM,
Cody O'Connor said…
"Haunica?" You know nothing! About anything!
Why the heck should I care how it's spelled, I'm sure I just offended a whole bunch of people right?
Yes, it is a violation to implement the cublice regulations yuo speak of.
So it's now illegal to Celebrate a holiday you believe in if people who don't celebrate it are around you?
But that has nothing at all to do with Wal-Mart. No stores will ever stop selling Christmas decorations, and that is not even probable to assume. Especially greedy, terrible Wal-Mart, which will stop at nothing to make money.
Stop sounding so Communist, it's scaring me. And if Wal-Mart was a real Capitalist store they wouldn't have those low prices, right?
I know of no stores that refuse to sell holiday decorations that don't have to do with Christmas, and therefore they ALSO sell items for the other winter holidays.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm saying it's a bad thing when stores stop selling things for any specific holiday and just go with a general theme.
Have you ever had a Jewish classmate? Have you ever been in an elementary school holiday concert? I have been in many with several peers of different backgrounds, and it is not at all exhaggerating to say that they don't even KNOW the Christmas songs that echo through stores, etc. this time of year.
Yes and I have talked to him and none of it offends him. In fact he went to go see the Passion of the Christ and liked it even though the Jewish people tortured Jesus. He goes to school with a Christmas atmosphere and you know what? He does his own thing and no one gets offended.
When I ring bells for the Salvation Army I say "Happy Holidays." Why? Because it offends no one.
It offends me that you can't celebrate something YOU believe in, you have to please everyone even though they are fully capable of clebrating their own holiday on their own. Political Correctness offends me.
Hardcore-Catholics are absolute nutjobs.
Wow, thanks for OFFENDING my entire family that happens to be Catholic and are proud of it. You Liberals have some pretty extreme double standards.
I can say that because I have been driven away fro mthat religion by them. Anyone who thinks they can force their beliefs on other pepole is absolutely wrong, end of story.
You don't force your beliefs on people, you just celebrate them on your own while another induvidual celebrates something else.
YOU are absolutely wrong, end of story.
At 13/11/05 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
AB said... Have you ever had a Jewish classmate?
As a matter of fact one of our friends is Jewish. Think before you open that big mouth and tell us we're racist.
At 13/11/05 12:27 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
I updated the article for those too idiotic to understand what I was talking about. It should make much more since now.
And in the next couple days I'll have a more general article on Political corectness and why I have a problem with it.
At 13/11/05 12:28 PM,
Daniel Levesque said…
Okay, I had something else to say, then I read Allisoni's comment.
Pay vey close attention beacause I'm going to say this once.
It's impossible to make everybody happy. For every person who is oofended by the words "Merry Christmass" there is someone who is offended by the refusal to say it in favor of "Happy holidays".
Yes, there are plenty of people who do not celebrate Christmas, but since it IS a national holiday, unlike all of the other holidays that are lumped around it, and 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, they are a small minority. So since saying "Merry Christmass" Makes 85% of us happy, it is just silly to cowtow to the other 15% and ban Christmas expressions.
At 13/11/05 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 13/11/05 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
All political correctness does is restrict freedom of speech. I like Daniel's sentiment that majority rules. Also, remember that you do not have a right not to be offended in this country. I'm offended by the feminist movement institutionalizing misandry in this country, but like Jews or anyone other than Christians at Christmas, I need to suck it up or try make some changes that don't involve infringing upon other people's rights.
It is not my personal responsibility to respect everybody's sensibilities. People who aren't Christians need to deal with the fact they live in a country that was founded by Christians and is predominantly Christian. All political correctness has done is make it harder for people to communicate and make people feel guilty for being who they are.
Do you know any Chanukah songs? I know the Dreidle song from South Park, but that's about it. If they break up the monotony of the same Christmas carols everywhere you go after Thanksgiving, I'm all for 'em.
At 13/11/05 1:11 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
"Thankfully, a Catholic Civil Rights group threatened to boycott Wal-Mart if they didn't stop being PC, and as a result, Wal-Mart apologized and said they would not leave Christmas out, nor would they with any other holidays."
That was the whole Catholic nutjob phenomenon I was referring about. I also stated that I have been Catholic for my entire life and therefore have frist hand-exprience with it.
So if you went into a store, and the greeter said, "Happy Kwanza," that would make sense to you? Why would you wish someone to have happiness during a holiday they don't even celebrate? The thing I hate about conservatives is their unwillingness to care about how people feel. It's ok to be racist and sexist and close-minded, as long as YOU feel ok about it. I will never change. I will always be thinking about how other people feel. It's not a bad thing, maybe you should give it a try.
At 13/11/05 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
So WE'RE nut jobs for saying we want ALL holidays but you're NOT a nutjob for wanting to exclude Christmas... Hm...
At 13/11/05 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually its YOU LIBERALS who are racist. You are bigots against white Christain males. Am I the only one sick of this? According to Allosoni Baloney its racist to include all holidays but its NOT racist to exclude the Christain ones. Hey allosoni, stop being racist towards Christains.
At 13/11/05 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm also sick of the enforced politeness. "YOU WILL BE POLITE OR WE WILL SUE YOU!" Uh, I have the right to do whatever I damn well please thanks very much.
At 13/11/05 1:34 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Fine, I'm a nut job, but if I'm a nut job then so are the people who wrote the constitution.
You care about people so much that you are willing to give up some of your freedom for it. You are still making the words celebrate and impose synonymous and they are not.
The thing I hate about conservatives is their unwillingness to care about how people feel. It's ok to be racist and sexist and close-minded, as long as YOU feel ok about it.
Liberals believe in affirmative action and I'm racist/sexist?
close-minded? Whatever, think what you want, I am not in the mood for left-wing vs. right-wing bickering.
Unlike the left I don't run on feelings, I run on logic.
As a Constitutional Conservative I think PC has gone out of hand when you can't be yourself legally in some places. It's breaking what this great nation stands for. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
At 13/11/05 1:41 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Uh, I have the right to do whatever I damn well please thanks very much.
Exactly. You have the right to do or say WHATEVER you want as long as it's within the law and it's the socialist left who want to change that because of feelings. Well if you really want to get rid of freedom of speech you should really tell Cindy Sheehan to shut up, but you wouldn't do that would you. The liberals have horrible double standards.
At 13/11/05 1:54 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
First Amendment – Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and to petition the government.
You mean to tell me getting fired from a job for not being PC is constitutional? I don't think so Phoney Bull-oni.
At 13/11/05 4:24 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
Who is getting fired? A lot of companies have public embarrassment policies in their contracts, so in some cases it IS possible to get fired for things you say under your "first amendment rights." You agree to that, though, upon being hired.
You are you COMPLETELY misunderstanding what is going on here. I am not saying to exclude Christmas, and neither are the people enforcing political correctness. By saying "Happy Holidays" you are INCLUDING EVERYONE. No matter what you celebrate, that applies to you. I do not want greeters to say "Happy Holidays, except for Christmas." That would be what you are accusing me of, and I never said anything like that. Even if you don't celebrate anything religious, New Years still applies to everyone, so it works. What on earth is wrong with including everyone?
Also, Cody, please learn about Wal- Mart before you stand up for it and call me a Communist. You know nothing about it if you think it's a good thing and also value our economy and your future in the labor force.
At 13/11/05 5:16 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Also, Cody, please learn about Wal- Mart before you stand up for it and call me a Communist. You know nothing about it if you think it's a good thing and also value our economy and your future in the labor force.
I don't care what you tell me, I am a free market capitalist and proud of it. And don't tell me I don't know anything just because you don't agree with me.
At 13/11/05 5:47 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
I said in the article that Happy Holidays is more appropriate but it shouldn't be restricted to just that because you are breaking ammendment rights. You do this to be nice, but if you want to say Merry Christmas, you are protected. What you can't do is say you should celebrate Christmas to. Again with the celebrate impose thing, they are not synonymous.
I'm not saying that saying Happy Holidays is bad, I'm just saying it isn't right that you don't have the right so celebrate your own beliefs if you want.
You are you COMPLETELY misunderstanding what is going on here.
As are you.
It was Robby that said something about excluding Christmas, not me.
Oh yeah, I'm all ears with the Wal-Mart thing, tell me how bad it is.
At 13/11/05 7:02 PM,
Rebekah said…
"Wal-Mart is the worst American development EVER."
The fact that Liberals hate it so much convinces me to think we should give Wal-Mart a break - everyone gets stung by the PC bug occassionally, and Wal-Mart is one of my favorite corporations(this big, evil business monster is usually on the forefront of charitable giving). Wal-Mart perfectly embodies what's great about America - don't worry, they'll come around.
At 13/11/05 7:03 PM,
Rebekah said…
Oh, BTW,
my blog readers and I have decided - our movement to the Liberal "wear black" and "wear red" on Fridays "until our troops come home", will be called "Operation Green shirt/ Yellow ribbon".
On Fridays, to show our support for the troops AND their mission, we will wear green, and to show our hope for them to come home safe, soon, and victorious, we will wear a yellow ribbon on our lapel or around our wrists.(pictures at my site soon) Please spread the word any way you can! Thanks in advance.
At 13/11/05 7:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
AB said... Yes, it is a violation to implement the cublice regulations yuo speak of.
Refering to Christmas Decor. You WERE talking about excluding it. See?
At 13/11/05 11:23 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
My objections to Wal-Mart have nothing to do with my political views. My boyfriend, as I've stated before, is a staunch Republican, and we share the same Wal-Mart concern.
They have changed the manufacturing business. Instead of accepting what manufacturers offer, they tell them what to make and how much it will be sold for. Because of this, labor has to be cheaper, and jobs are outsourced. Thousands more people are willing to work for thousands less in China and India...and Americans are losing jobs. Other American companies are having to compete with them, have started using their methods, and even MORE jobs have been lost to other countries. Competition is healthy, but if this continues we will be facing SEVERE global competition. Not only are retail jobs going over-seas, but it's getting tough to name a job that couldn't possible be outsourced. We've brainstormed this in Economics, and we have yet to come up with an impossibility. Now, certainly Wal-Mart has thousands of employees, but working full time at Wal-Mart at their wages still leaves employees lacking. Keep in mind that they are doing all shopping (including groceries, clothing, etc.) at Wal-Mart, at the "lowest prices possible" and are STILL not making enough to get by. Studies have been done, and the results are showing that Wal-Mart is, indeed, an economic terrorist.
At 14/11/05 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I never said I liked Wal-Mart. I agree with you completly on that. Still, its capitilism and completly legal.
At 14/11/05 6:05 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Interesting points alisoni. I agree with your points there. I'll take back my commie statement back there. I'll agree that capitalism sometimes goes a little too far even though I am a capitalist.
At 14/11/05 7:25 PM,
Gayle said…
Okay, I guess I'm going to shock everyone here, even my blogging partners. I do like Wal Mart and I will tell you why:
Because they give the unemployable jobs. They hire many disabled people who could not have found jobs otherwise. They also hire elderly people who wouldn't otherwise be able to work. They give their employees full benefits and employees buy shares in Wal Mart stock. They have given thousands upon thousands of Americans who would otherwise not be able to work the ability to work. What's so bad about that?
But I will tell you one thing for sure: If they had not allowed their employess to say "Merry Christmas" I wouldn't ever shop at a Wal Mart again.
It's a good post, Cody.
Allisoni said: "Oh, and Wal-Mart is the worst American development EVER." And so how is that Allisoni? I believe liberalism to be the worst American development ever. Wal-Mart doesn't and cannot hold a candle to liberals in their attempt to undermine the pinnings of this society.
By the way, it is your opinion that being pc is important. I think it's total bs.
At 14/11/05 7:43 PM,
Allisoni Balloni said…
My point, Wal-Mart aside, is that if you are free to worship how you choose, you should be respected for doing so. Being politically correct, to me, means using a phrase or method that doesn't offend anyone. That's all. I don't think there's anything political about that. (besides the fact that "politically" is used in the name of it, of course)
At 14/11/05 7:59 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Gayle makes some very good points too, I guess Wal-Mart is half good and half bad if that's possible.
I'm honestly not sure who to side with on this one as you both make exccelent points. I'll leave this topic for you two to discuss I suppose.
At 16/11/05 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with you Cody. I don't think that anybody should worry about political correctness at all. It might help one person or one group but not everybody is going to agree, so I think that we shouldn't worry about political correctness.
At 18/11/05 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sure Gayle but WalMart runs so many small businesses out of well, buiseness. Its not really supportive of the American dream.
At 18/11/05 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh hello Nick. (Did you comment on a school computer? Better not let them catch you doing that, on a REPUBLICAN site no less.)
At 18/11/05 5:54 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Oh hello Nick. (Did you comment on a school computer? Better not let them catch you doing that, on a REPUBLICAN site no less.)
The school better add this site to the list of blocked sites immediately! Sarcasm.
It reminds me of how the commies and China censor the internet, so much for freedom huh?
Anyways, good to have you leaving comments here Nick.
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