Riots, Iraq, and a Terrorist Attack
First, we've got riots in France that has gone on for 15 days now, spreading to over 300 towns and some places in Germany. Oh what a surprise, the riots happened because of Muslim radicals, who would have guessed? Now if this isn't a hint that America may be in trouble then maybe the next few stories might be.
Next we had terrorist bombings in Jordan. They bombed three hotels that were American. And guess what, they were Muslim terrorists.
Also we've got Iran's president saying they should "wipe Israel off the map" and guess who supports him? Muslim terrorists, what a surprise.
So obviously you can tell that the terrorist have been busy and that makes our war in Iraq more and more vital, and I'll tell you why in a minute. Instead of talking about taking care of terrorism, all our congress can do is investigate pre-war intelligence. Thanks guys I feel safer already! Listen, maybe they're right, maybe we did go to war with bad intelligence. Maybe they are right, but frankly, at this point I don't give a flying rats arse on WMD's and whether they existed or not, they don't matter at this point. We've captured Saddam so it's not like if there were WMD's he could use them. So please just drop it, maybe it was a subject to discuss back in '04, but right now we've got terrorism on the rise and we aren't doing anything but looking at why we went to Iraq!
Lets just forget about why we're in Iraq right now and think about what we can do in Iraq to stop the dramatic increase in Islamic terrorism. We've got a riot that's been going on for 15 days, a 9/11 for the people of Jordan (I've heard rumors that for the calendar in Jordan the date was 11/9 on the day of the attacks, if someone can confirm that it would be appreciated), Iran calling for genocide, and all we care about is Scooter, Alito, and pre-war intelligence.
Now, I promised I would go over the importance of the war in Iraq now, so I will.
First, we are in a country that is bordering Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, 3 of the biggest homes for terrorists. So right now we have a sort of a base where we can keep an eye on those countries and if they do any sort of attack on America it would be pretty easy to move troops into that country, or simply drop a bomb by some of the jets we have there.
Also we are keeping the war there instead of letting it come here. As I said a minute ago, we have our eye on nearby terrorist countries preventing them from attacking us.
Next, a more obvious one is that we are killing terrorists over there, and that's definitely a plus.
Now the terrorists know all this. They know that they won't have much of a chance attacking America if we could easily invade their nearby country, so obviously, they want us out of Iraq.
The way they are doing this is scare tactics. The death count is the big one, the big number 2,000 is scaring the war supporters off. People like Cindy Sheehan (who the Islamic media supports) are indeed helping the enemies efforts, in fact the terrorists can just sit back and watch as Sheehan does the work for them with hopes that America pulls out soon.
If we were to pull out there would be a lot of bad things happening.
First, the Iraq government would quickly crumble leaving Iraq in an anarchy and the most successfully way to take a country out of an anarchy is a new dictatorship, unfortunately.
We no longer have that eye one the countries bordering Iraq making it easier for them to attack us.
And as I've said before, I do believe that pulling out of Iraq will get us a terrorist attack, I'll explain my reasoning for that now.
If you pay attention to Israel you'll notice that what happens there is usually what will happen here next. If you've ever heard the analogy "like a bird in a coal mine" this would definitely work with Israel. Not too long ago Israel pulled their people out of the West Bank in hopes of reducing the suicide bombings, as soon as they pulled out, the bombings began again. The terrorists were reminding the Israelis why they pulled out, fear.
That, I believe will happen to us if we don't finish the war in Iraq.
I know some of you think the war in Iraq is just for Iraq, and maybe in the beginning it was, but not now. It's more than just Iraq, it's stopping terrorism in the middle east for good. This war is much more important than you may think.
At 10/11/05 1:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Got a little hate for Muslims do ya? Don't try to deny it because it's so apparent.
I guess to someone like you, it's okay if your government lies to you. Let us put this in black and white terms. You go to a car dealership and they say 'Hey this car is great! Sure it has high mileage, but our mechanics have checked it out and she runs great.' You purchase said car and 2 weeks later, the car breaks down. Wouldn't you be a wee bit peeved if this happened to you? That fuckface lied to you and here it is you wasted 'X' amount of dollars and you're SOL. Same basic concept. This administration lied to a COUNTRY and the WORLD and it has cost us more than 2K dead soldiers. you grasp that concept? It's not a discussion to have had in '04, it was a discussion to have in '03, '04 and '05. Why does this country think it has to be the police to the world? Guess what? Terrorist attacks happen all over the world and suddenly it happened on your soil and you think that's grounds to go to war on the mere spec of a thought that they could possibly attack? I don't get it.
My final comment to people like you is, if you believe so whole heartedly in this war, this Jihad (and believe you me, with your hatred for Muslims you too are partaking in a Jihad) are you going to sign up and fight the war? I hear they are offering a bonus to those who join. Quit telling the world how big your dick is and instead just drop your pants and show it. This isn't a game of 'Risk,' this is people's lives...........but none of the chickenhawks in this administration would know that....just as you don't.
At 10/11/05 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ah yes the old "you're racist" arguement from the left. Also the "why don't you sign up to fight?" arguement. Hm... could it be because people such as we would be no use to the army and would be better off writing pro-war material?
Its the "why dont you join the army" thing that gets me. Why aren't you out protesting anonymus? Get off your ass and protest! After all you don't support the war so you MUST protest!!!
Is that arguement valid? No. It is a valid as the if you support the war join the army arguement. Please think before commenting. You will have your arguements shot down, unless they make some sense.
While you're here why don't you answer some things. What exactly did the government lie about. Don't even think about saying WMDs because Cody and I will link you to plenty of sources proving that they are in Syria. Also compare 2k soldiers to other wars and battles. The one I always refer people to is the WWI British vs. German battle the Sommes in which 60k died in one day. Know your history. Also if you are a liberal then you should be sticking up for the little guy, the Iraqis. But I guess you don't care about them. No, you would let a million die a year under Saddam's rule. That would be 2mil instead of 2k. Do the math here.
The bottom line? You don't care about Iraqis. You don't care about soldiers. You just care about yourself and making Bush seem like a liar.
At 10/11/05 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10/11/05 2:36 PM,
Rebekah said…
London, Bali, Australia, now this... more and more of something that doesn't exist.
As for that anonymous comment -- you really need to lay off the lsd, man.
Sign up, huh? When do you ship out?
BTW, I have decided on two possible options for the Support Our Troops and Their Mission movement, and I need y'all's feedback again on which would be best.
At 10/11/05 2:44 PM,
Drew Dallons said…
While you're here why don't you answer some things. What exactly did the government lie about. Don't even think about saying WMDs because Cody and I will link you to plenty of sources proving that they are in Syria.
Let's see those sources...
Iraq did have WMD's. We sold them to them. Back in 85... which in turn they used on Iran (who, funny enough, hates the US), and the Kurds (who strangly enough, don't hate the US). Iraq DID have yellow cake uranium.... HOWEVER... it was not secret, but documented and reported to the OEDC. It was also not ENRICHED and could not be used for weapons. Oh, yeah... and Iraq did have some metal tubes thought to be used for nuclear missles.. or course, they were the wrong size and were in fact going to be used to make conventional weapons.
Also compare 2k soldiers to other wars and battles. The one I always refer people to is the WWI British vs. German battle the Sommes in which 60k died in one day.
So 2000K soldiers isn't really that big of a deal in comparison to the hundereds of thousands killed in past wars? That's a great supportive statement there! What do ya say we can spare another 10K or so lives before we rethink this whole imperialization of the Middle East thing?
Know your history.
Thats really funny given that the history you've been taught in public schools about America and geopolitics is inheriently flawed. If you want the truth, check out A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. That book will paint a much more complete picture of our past than anything you've ever read in 10th grade Social Studies.
Also if you are a liberal then you should be sticking up for the little guy, the Iraqis. But I guess you don't care about them. No, you would let a million die a year under Saddam's rule. That would be 2mil instead of 2k. Do the math here. Oh really. What about the millions who die under other corrupt regimes in the world? What about Darfur or China or N. Korea? Besides, you guys have changed your tune about the reason for the invasion more than Kerry flip flopped about supporting it. First it's blown UN sactions, then mysterious WMD's and movable chemical weapons labs..then it was to bring freedom to the Iraqi people, then it was to lure terrrrrists into Iraq so we don't have to fight them here.
So what is it? What's the good reason?
The bottom line? You don't care about Iraqis. You don't care about soldiers. You just care about yourself and making Bush seem like a liar.
We don't need to make Bush seem like a liar, he does a great job of that himself.
At 10/11/05 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Drew said... So 2000K soldiers isn't really that big of a deal in comparison to the hundereds of thousands killed in past wars?
Uh dude, that would be 200,000. Do you know math? Also you're against Iraq and for freing China and N. Korea? Honestly answer the following.
If Clinton had wanted war in Iraq wold you have supported it?
At 10/11/05 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Ah yes the old "you're racist" arguement from the left. Also the "why don't you sign up to fight?" arguement. Hm... could it be because people such as we would be no use to the army and would be better off writing pro-war material?"
Can you walk? Do you have use of all your digits? You have eyes? Well, then you can shoot a gun and that's all they need in this war. So, don't put yourself down, you WOULD be of GREAT use to this military! Why is it that offering yourself up for war isn't a valid argument? You don't sign up b/c it's better to pay lip service than to shoot someone else. If someone were in my yard threatening my family, I would kill them. I believe that. If you believe that these terrorists came to your backyard then you too should shoot them. Simple as that. Hell if they would let little GWB in the guard they can make room for idiots like you.
And please quit being a smartass Darksaturos. With you people it's if we stick up for Iraqis then we hate the soldiers and don't 'Support the Troops.' Meanwhile if we mention the troops and not the Iraqis, then we don't care about them. Get over yourself. Libs care about all's what we're known for and I'm damn proud of that.
I didn't support Clinton going into Kosovo. How do you stereotype me now? Why is it that you all bring Clinton up for EVERYTHING??? Clinton is not the end all be all. We did not all love him and everything he's done (and let's stick to foreign policy and not blowjobs shall we kids?) and throw him in your face any chance we get. In fact I thought he was pulling a 'Wag the Dog' when he dropped bombs in Afghanistan. Attacking people who shouldn't be attacked is wrong, matter who is president.
At 10/11/05 5:12 PM,
Dan Trabue said…
The Better Wing said:
"So please just drop it, maybe it was a subject to discuss back in '04, but right now we've got terrorism on the rise and we aren't doing anything but looking at why we went to Iraq!"
That may be valid UNLESS you think (as many of us do) that what we're doing in Iraq is CREATING the larger rise in terrorism. If one's actions are causing things to get worse, it is very wise to review and reconsider one's actions.
And, even if you don't agree with the majority around the world that find the US to be a greater threat to world peace than Saddam, a great number of your fellow citizens DO and so we'd like all the investigation and reflection that we can get, thank you. We'll hang on to our bit of the republic if it's all the same to you.
Let's keep thinking and talking, what do you say?
At 10/11/05 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
How little you know of basic training anynonmus.
At 10/11/05 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Uh, I said support the Iraqis not the Iraqi terrorists.
(Cuckoo Cuckoo)
At 10/11/05 6:24 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Let's see those sources...
I'll let Robby take this one away, I have no reason to argue about WMD's because it's not provable either way.
I'm more worried about now.
At 10/11/05 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll just give him our posts on the subject.
At 10/11/05 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10/11/05 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's the arguement. If you want links to sources I'll give you some.
At 10/11/05 8:02 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
I've got better points in this article.
But like I said, I'm not going to waste my time arguing on something you can't prove or dis-prove.
Hey Robby, go to On the front page you should see a link to a movie called piggy bank pinkos, very funny. And while you're at it, also by that guy is a movie called captain capitalism. Just in case you need some entertainment. If you can't find it I'll leave you a link.
At 10/11/05 8:47 PM,
Cody O'Connor said…
Robby, during my parent teacher confrences I talked politics with 3 of my teachers for a little while. One was a libertarian (history), one was a Democrat (english), and one was a Conservative (science). My science teacher told me he listened to talk radio a lot (and sometimes listens to Rusty), I was really surprised.
At 10/11/05 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's awsome! My conferences are in December and my mom wouldn't let me talk politics anyway.
At 13/11/05 12:33 PM,
Daniel Levesque said…
Hey, I just wanted to "dito" you on this excellent post. And don't mind the anonmoys poster. I wouldn't be surprised if he were a terrorist sympathizer and has a bomb vest hanging up in his coat closet.
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