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Friday, May 26, 2006

Such a Slow Blogging Time it seems...

It seems recently that blogs have really slowed down, which is a little ironic I suppose. Right now things are going on that could piss anybody off. Illegal immigration, media, whatever. But the thing is, even though it's recent news, we've all talked about it already, plenty. Sure illegal immigration is a huge problem now, but it has been a problem for 20 years and it has been blogged about for at least 7. There's nothing new to say, so what are we to do, repost things? No. We move on to new things, but the problem is, there isn't anything new going on. Every thing in the news now seems to be stories that we have all blogged about more than we need to. Immigration, the war, NSA spying, yada yada. It's old news. Blogging isn't about old news, it's about bringing in new ideas, and sharing new information. Not repeating talking points and copying and pasting old articles from So with this happening the result is many slow blogs, mine included. And I'll tell you right now, the only way you will get me to write anything more about illegal immigration is if you hold a knife to my throat. I am done with that story.

So what's a blogger to do if there's nothing to blog about. Well, I have two things you could do, and I probably will soon do. The first, write a book. Books are so much different than blogs. Unlike blogs, books aren't news based so you're free to bring up anything you wish, even something no one else has talked about. And speaking of talking, what about starting a podcast? Sure sitting down to think about something has it's own pro's, but you'd be surprised what spontaneous thinking can do for you. Ideas, jokes, topics, all can come to you and you don't have to worry about thesis's, or topic sentences, therefore you usually have less pressure leaving you to get out more points that can be missed by blogging.

Those are some ideas for you to keep yourself in the political game without being either bored or frustrated without a way to express it. As for me, you can bet a book and podcast is in my future. With the free time of summer vacation I will start a book as soon as a thesis comes to me, which I probably will discover spontaneously while recording my podcast, which you can tell will come by looking at the links at the top of my template. My blog, of course, won't die, ever. It will just be lighter topics, less political, less talking points. That sort of deal.

Anyways, I hope the best Summer to all of the bloggers out there, and hope you all can find the right media to get your points across. Not to mention, avoid boredom. But if all else fails, and blogging no longer works, you should try out RPG's. They also consume your life. Cheers.


  • At 27/5/06 1:09 PM, Blogger Gayle said…

    Cody, I don't find blogging boring at all. You know why? It still gets more infomation out there than any other method. Also, I know of some people's minds who have been changed by reading conservative blogs. That's why I believe it's important.

    I hope you won't shut your blog down entirely because you have done some very good work here.

    I also hope that you have a wonderful summer! My daughter (adopted granddaughter) graduated High School last night. Yay! :)

  • At 27/5/06 1:35 PM, Blogger Peter said…

    Too bad, Cody, I just made a new post a couple hours ago. If you're as bored as you say you are, do you think you might have time to come over and read it?

  • At 27/5/06 4:14 PM, Blogger PlaidBaron said…

    I'll be posting on Memorial Day, at least for me there is always something to say on memorial day.

  • At 28/5/06 1:00 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "I hope you won't shut your blog down entirely because you have done some very good work here."

    Of course not. It's just lighter topics until something new comes up. Be it the news, or my own experience. My blog won't be going anywhere, I just want to try some new things as well when I don't have anything to write about.

    "Too bad, Cody, I just made a new post a couple hours ago. If you're as bored as you say you are, do you think you might have time to come over and read it?"

    sure thing.


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