There's Something About Fox
I just got DVR recently so I can now record tv shows, and one of the shows I have scheduled to tape is Hannity & Colmes. If you're wondering why I have to tape a primetime show, it's because my favorite radio show comes on at the same time (Rusty Humphries) , but that's aside the point. The next morning I will flick on the tv, sip my coffee, and watch my taped program. Here's what it was like one morning. Like most DVR users, I skip commercials, but unlike some DVR users, I skip boring parts of shows too. So one morning I put on Hannity & Colmes. I skip the commercials until the show comes on. The first three segments they talk about the Duke rape case, I fast forward all three segments. Ready for something interesting I play the next one just to find out the next segment goes to the Aruba case. I skip this too. When I reach the next segment I could swear they would talk about immigration or gas prices. No. Next they talk about another teacher who is accused of statutory rape. So I skip it and the commercials. When the show returns the topic is about how another Kennedy gets drunk. Oh, like that's news. I skip that too. For the next segment, it was finally done, it was back to politics, but as suspected the guest would be Newt Gingrich or Judge Nepaletano. Oh, what a surprise, I was right. I skip that too. And all of a sudden I notice I had skipped the entire program of Hannity & Colmes, a once great debate show! That's how boring, useless, and redundant it was! Of course when the show ended it was time for Greta Van Susteren to drone on about the same exact topics. Repeat this crap for months on end, and you've got the new Fox news. Conservatives, is this really what you want?
After thinking about how to act, I thought I would take care of the problem Bill O'Reilly style. Boycott something. But that something isn't France, or Aruba. I think it's time to boycott Fox. But why, you ask? You've got to understand that it's all about numbers in tv and radio. Right now the Fox viewership is high, giving them the impression they are doing something right. That couldn't be more from the truth. The only reason people still watch Fox is because they don't have anything better for an alternative for Conservative programming. This isn't true either. By now, all other stations have at least one Conservative show, so boycotting Fox wouldn't be too hard. You can get your news from the internet, but here are some opinion shows you may like. Now, I'll be honest, two of these shows I have yet to watch, but by boycotting Fox, you can bet I will be watching them instead of O'Reilly or Hannity. For CNN you've got Lou Dobbs, who comes on at 6-7 p.m. ET Monday-Friday. For CNN Headline, there's the brand new Glenn Beck show from 7-8 p.m. ET Monday-Friday. And for MSNBC you've got Joe Scarborough Monday - Thursday at 9-10 p.m. ET.
There's three shows for you in primetime that can fill the gap from Fox. But if you choose to stay with Fox, there will still be that gap, because Fox isn't the same. Great debate shows are now covering stories you can't debate. Law shows cover stories from months or years ago, with nothing recent. And the news itself is off in the way it makes unimportant stories, more important than the actual important ones.
So please, if you want to save Fox, then the best thing you can do is stop watching it. They will notice the drop in viewership and find out something is wrong. Because of that they will change, for the better. And the Fox news you once knew will come back.
At 12/5/06 5:22 PM, Anonymous said…
I get my info of the internet. I think that it's better when you have inependant small-time writers writing instead of the talking heads. The small writers get less full of themselves and actually report things.
At 13/5/06 12:15 AM, Peter said…
Btw, isn't it strange how Rupert Murdoch is doing a fudraiser for... Hillary Clinton of all people?
At 13/5/06 9:36 AM, PlaidBaron said…
Your right. They always report old news. I wish they would spend a little more time on more recent events.
At 15/5/06 6:14 AM, Cody O'Connor said…
Betty, I don't know if you're trying to bug me or what. But whatever you're doing won't earn you much respect from me or any of my readers. If there's one thing I can't stand it's a comment where the person knowingly went far off topic in a way to either annoy me, or advertise their wonderful talking points. Sorry, but this discussion is about Fox's decline. If you want to talk about the Duke rape case, you can e-mail John Gibson.
At 16/5/06 10:58 AM, MJ said…
Well, I don't know if I would want to boycott yet. But their primetime shows are getting boring and mostly not news. But I still like other shows like Dayside and Studio B.
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