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Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Okay, for a long time I've been wanting to start up a humour blog, so just the other day I did. It's called Xenophobia, and you can find it at

Just so you know, the views I express on that blog are not always the views I actually support, it is a humour blog, if you need anymore of that type thing just read the disclaimer. Anyways, to go with my joke blog I will of course continue this blog to get my serious opinion out there too.

To all of my readers, I thank you for your readership, I wouldn't even be typing this if I knew nobody cared. So yeah, go check out my new blog, you won't regret it, I swear.


  • At 28/3/06 11:01 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 29/3/06 6:23 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I've been to Canada once. I'm also going on a cruise to a few other countries this year. Like I said, it's a joke blog.

  • At 29/3/06 12:49 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 29/3/06 2:23 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 29/3/06 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    See Cody? I told you that they'd take it seriously. Obviously they can't tell that it's a paradoy of what they think of us. They're basically proving it's point right. Great eh?

  • At 29/3/06 3:20 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 29/3/06 5:21 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 29/3/06 6:48 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Did any of you moonbats actually read this:

    "Just so you know, the views I express on that blog are not always the views I actually support, it is a humour blog, if you need anymore of that type thing just read the disclaimer. Anyways, to go with my joke blog I will of course continue this blog to get my serious opinion out there too."

    If anyone else is too stupid to understand that, then you can expect to have your comment deleted. I'm not even going to bother talking to these Liberal s**ts anymore.

  • At 29/3/06 8:17 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    read it. don't believe it. Looks like what you'll be posting on this new blog are your true feelings.

  • At 29/3/06 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dervish shut up already. You think anyone cares what you say? You're nothing. Remember that.

  • At 29/3/06 11:23 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I care what he says.

    It's also a very lovely statement that you delete our comments. Can't take the heat? Didn't think so.

    I read your "disclaimer," and my opinion was that HATE is not funny, no matter who you're trying to joke with. If you read someone's blog who posted that type of thing about Americans, joking our not, you would be absolutely furious. Be the bigger person, here. I don't expect you to be, but it would be nice, for a change.

  • At 30/3/06 6:12 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I would appreciate it if you actually read one of the posts before you make these assumptions. I'm not being hateful, the worst that happens on there are ethnic stereotypes.

  • At 30/3/06 1:02 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I've read them all, thank you.

  • At 30/3/06 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    She's read them all, she just choses to criticize you anyway and feel self-rightious.

  • At 30/3/06 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You see Cody, satire is only funny if it's directed at the president or Republicans. If it's directed at liberals it's racist. You should know that by now.

  • At 30/3/06 3:24 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Please explain to me how your new blog is "directed at liberals." We're supposed to read it and think, haha this is funny? I think that ANYONE who actually holds those opinions is a danger to society, and I don't usually laugh about that.

  • At 30/3/06 3:45 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Excuse me Alisoni, but you sound more bigoted in real life than I do in pretend.

  • At 30/3/06 3:49 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    It's a satire in the sense that it as Robby said is me acting like the Liberals make me out to be. At the beginning, I thought this blog would be just xenophobic points of view, but I think now, I want to be like the Republican stereotype in every way I can. If you don't like it alisoni, then don't read it.

  • At 30/3/06 3:53 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I'll probably even change the URL and title, now that I think about it, to give me a broader range of stereotypes to prove right.

    More on that in the next few days...

  • At 30/3/06 4:59 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Scratch that last idea actually. I'm just way too lazy to rebuild an entire webpage.

  • At 30/3/06 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please explain to me how your new blog is "directed at liberals."

    Because the material is what you think WE think. It's pretty obvious.

  • At 30/3/06 11:18 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Oh, PLEASE explain to me how I sound so "bigoted." PLEASE go ahead and explain.

  • At 30/3/06 11:38 PM, Blogger Rebekah said…

    "Can't take the heat"???

    GAAA! What heat? Taking a satirical humor blog seriously and lecturing him about his apparent Fruedan true feelings being revealed?? What heat is that? Grrrr...

    Seriously, Cody, I'm too tired to comment on that one right now. I'll have to check in the morning. :D

  • At 31/3/06 1:47 AM, Blogger Gayle said…

    Cody, you must understand that liberals don't understand satire. So you can tell them all day long "it's a satire," but unless you explain what "satire" is, you are not going to get through.

    I also think you should start a post called: "Comment Deleted." Then, when you delete the rude Moonbat comments, they won't be surprised. Or maybe they won't get it...

  • At 31/3/06 6:16 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Usually I like to let them speak, but sometimes it just gets ridiculous and deletion is the only think that keeps the sanity.

    Allisoni Balloni said...
    "Oh, PLEASE explain to me how I sound so "bigoted." PLEASE go ahead and explain."

    In response to a joke blog you say "hate kills people". It sounds a little bigoted against people like me.

    Rebekah said...
    "GAAA! What heat? Taking a satirical humor blog seriously and lecturing him about his apparent Fruedan true feelings being revealed?? What heat is that? Grrrr...

    Seriously, Cody, I'm too tired to comment on that one right now. I'll have to check in the morning. :D"

    Yes, sometimes the debates started by libs just aren't worth it. As long as you check out my new blog, I'll be satisfied though.

  • At 31/3/06 3:08 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Free speech comes with the right of other people to speak out against you. I understand what satire is, but I also understand that not all satire is supposed to be laugh-out-loud funny. Take Herman and Michael's blog, for example. I know that everything they write is satire. But I also know that sick people actually think that way, and it isn't funny to me. It's a reality check, for sure, but I don't find it to be comical.

    Oh, so now I am a bigot for thinking that hate killing people isn't funny. That makes you look pretty good...

  • At 31/3/06 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Free speech comes with the right of other people to speak out against you.

    Great, and I have the right to speak against you. And Cody does have the right to delete your comments becasue we have private property, which is what this webspace is. His private property, which he controls.

    Oh, so now I am a bigot for thinking that hate killing people isn't funny.

    Well you are a sexist and an ageist. I belive you said the following:

    Also, I find it absolutely absurd that any high school boy wants nothing to do with "sex scenes" in a movie. It's no use lying, because your age and gender give you away.

    You're judging me on age and gender. You are a complete bigot, don't deny it, the evidence is right there.

  • At 31/3/06 8:31 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I am not a bigot because I can tolerate views different than mine. I enjoy debating them, but that does not mean that I am not tolerant. I did not say that Cody didn't have the right to delete my comments, I said that it was an interesting move on his part. I also still stand by that statement you quoted about sex scenes. If you can be stereotypical about liberals than why can I not be stereotypical (a very accurate stereotype, however) about your age and gender. You don't like it because it's two males--if it were heterosexual, or even better, two females, I almost refuse to believe that you would protest against it. It's not a personal attack, it's a fact that horomones control your life when you're 15, 16, or really any year in the teens.

  • At 31/3/06 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh so when you're sterotypical that's okay, but when Cody is it's racist huh? Wanna explain that one? It's okay for a liberal but not a conservative? I see.

  • At 31/3/06 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if it were heterosexual, or even better, two females

    I seriously resent that. You are way out of line. That is not true, nor did I even think about it. I don't care whether you apologize or not but I think you owe me one.

    It's not a personal attack, it's a fact that horomones control your life when you're 15, 16, or really any year in the teens.

    Ageism. Naught more.

  • At 1/4/06 5:29 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "if it were heterosexual, or even better, two females, I almost refuse to believe that you would protest against it."

    I'll admit that I wouldn't, but I don't speak for every teenage guy. I really don't think Robby's lying.

  • At 1/4/06 7:33 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    It's not "ageism!" It's a FACT that at your age you cannot control a lot of those subconcious feelings. I am not somehow discriminating against you because of yuor age and I think you know that.

  • At 1/4/06 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll admit that I wouldn't, but I don't speak for every teenage guy. I really don't think Robby's lying.

    I meant that I resent the fact that she thinks I would enjoy watching things like that.

    It's not "ageism!" It's a FACT that at your age you cannot control a lot of those subconcious feelings.

    Why is Cody a bigot when he makes a joke blog but you're not when you judge EVERY 16 year old male the same? You are nothing but a bigot.

    How's it feel by the way to be called a bigot? You do it to us all the time. How do you like it? If it makes you feel so good to call us bigots why can't you take the critiscism yourself?

    You have consistantly tarred all 16 year olds with the same brush.


    You have consistantly tarred all boys with the same brush.


    Do I make generalazations about all girls?


    Do I make generalazations about all 18 year olds?


    You are nothing but a bigot and it is rich of you to call me and Cody bigots and then defend your bigoted comment when someone confronts you with it.

  • At 2/4/06 1:42 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Please show me the comment I made in which I called either of you bigots. Because I'm pretty sure I have NEVER said that. I'm also pretty sure that you need to get over this stupid ageism/sexism thing because I've justified my opinion and it's time to move on. Also, stereotypes, while they are generalizations that do not apply to everyone, do not mean that the person stating them are intolerant. It's one thing to make a generalization about an age/gender that does, biologically, apply to everyone, and a COMPLETELY different thing to be intolerant of an entire reace or religion because of stereotypes. What you are accusing me of is in no way significant on that type of level.

  • At 2/4/06 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please show me the comment I made in which I called either of you bigots. Because I'm pretty sure I have NEVER said that.

    It was implied several times. Unfourtuantly they were deleted.

    I'm also pretty sure that you need to get over this stupid ageism/sexism thing because I've justified my opinion and it's time to move on.

    You'd like that wouldn't you? Well too bad. Explain how it's ok for you to be sexist and not for Cody to make a blog that features different races. I'm not going to "move on" until I understand why it's okay for you to be sterotypical but not ok for Cody or I. I think you just never expected anyone to find that particular comment you made.

    Also, stereotypes, while they are generalizations that do not apply to everyone, do not mean that the person stating them are intolerant.

    Yet when Cody makes a French sterotype you say it's not ok.

    It's one thing to make a generalization about an age/gender that does, biologically, apply to everyone, and a COMPLETELY different thing to be intolerant of an entire reace or religion because of stereotypes.

    Really? Please explain how. If I made generalazations about women I'm pretty sure you'd be all over me about it.

  • At 3/4/06 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "stereotyping" teenage boys because THEY ALL have hormones.

    Hey did you know that girls do too? It's true! Wierd huh? Also just because I have hormones doesn't mean I enjoy sex scenes in movies thanks very much. To say I do because I'm a boy is bigoted.

    If you cannot see the difference, that is your problem, not mine.

    The difference is that you're a liberal, and as such think you're above bigotry or sterotyping.

    Are you upset that people assume you have hormones?

    No, I just don't like people assuming things about me that ARE NOT TRUE. What you said was not what you are saying now. You are changing your own words because you didn't expect anyone to catch them. Admit it.

  • At 3/4/06 5:48 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I have nothing to admit. You so far twisted what I said orignially that now I'm having to stand up for things I didn't even say.

    Do you KNOW what a bigot is? A bigot is "one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." I have said NOTHING that implies I am INTOLERANT of you because of your age or gender. It's really absurd that you throw that word around like you know me so well, yet use it incorrectly.

  • At 3/4/06 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have nothing to admit. You so far twisted what I said orignially that now I'm having to stand up for things I didn't even say.

    Oh? You clearly said I enjoyed sex scenes because I was male and 16. I have the qoute.

    Do you KNOW what a bigot is? A bigot is "one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

    Yep. It is. And you are strongly partial to liberalism and females.

    I have said NOTHING that implies I am INTOLERANT of you because of your age or gender.

    You don't? And yet you scorn me for simply BEING my age and gender?

    It's really absurd that you throw that word around like you know me so well, yet use it incorrectly.

    See above. I used it correctly in all circumstances.

  • At 4/4/06 12:13 AM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Are you dating a liberal? Are all of your closest friends liberal? I am anything but intolerant. I have my views and I am "partial" to liberal ideas but if you know anything about liberals you know that intolerance is one of the most horrible things they see in the world.

  • At 4/4/06 10:53 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    You already know that I don't hold my friends' Republican views against them, and when something about it comes up we have civil discussion. I have said that several times.

    Terrorists? Who is tolerant of terrorists? If you're talking about the War, that's an entirely different topic and has nothing at all to do with being "tolerant of terrorists."

    I am proud to be tolerant of homosexuals. Doesn't bother me one bit, and it angers me when they don't receive equal treatment. If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex. It's not really that difficult to accept.

    It is not my business to be judging people who don't believe in God. That's sort of a large group of people and they have the freedom to worship as they wish. I do have a personal problem with evangelical Christians, but I am tolerant of them as well.

    Now, there is no shame in any of that. You may think so, but all I see is justification for why TOLERANCE is usually a better answer. Pointing out that I am tolerant of those things and laughing about it clearly means that you are INTOLERANT of them, and therefore I am not the bigot in this conversation.

    Dark, I have already told you about 40 times why I made the gender crack. There is no other way to say it.

    Also Gayle, I know quite a few Republican teenagers who can't keep it in their pants, so your statement is quite the assumption. Being a teenager I'm around it daily and I can tell you that no matter what the political view, it's tough to make a generalization like that.

  • At 5/4/06 6:31 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    ...........ummmm, I didn't see this topic coming. I thought we were discussing my new blog. If any Liberal can find something in that blog that they think is serious, intolerant and hateful, and can quote it, then you win.

    (but intolerant isn't making fun of French hygine, it would be saying something like I hate the French. That, you won't find in there.)

  • At 5/4/06 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dark, I have already told you about 40 times why I made the gender crack. There is no other way to say it.

    Yeah, you said it was okay to sterotype, or judge on basis of gender. That sounds really bigoted to me. Explain how I'm wrong.

  • At 5/4/06 5:43 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I think, Robby, you should also give her the option to read my blog. You know, all or nothing. No double standards on what kinds of stereotypes are okay.

    (by the way, I wish you'd get on AIM sometime so we can discuss my movie a bit, because you are a co-producer sort of. Or you could forget the movie and not try to make money by selling cartoons on disk. Commie.)

  • At 5/4/06 6:24 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…


  • At 5/4/06 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Wow, I wasn't expecting logic like that. Please get a real arguement, preferably one that 1.) makes sense, and 2.) does not consist of capital letters.

    (by the way, I wish you'd get on AIM sometime so we can discuss my movie a bit

    Okay, I'll do that more often.

  • At 5/4/06 10:54 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I already TRIED to explain it logically and it went right over your head. I thought I'd try a more basic approach.

  • At 6/4/06 8:18 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I think it would be best for you to just admit you're using stereotypes, and you think it's fine, and then say whether or not you think there is a problem with me using ethnic stereotypes for the purpose of humor (not hate)

  • At 6/4/06 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I already TRIED to explain it logically and it went right over your head. I thought I'd try a more basic approach.

    No, you played sementics and basically said it was okay to stereotype all boys based on their gender but not okay for Cody to even jokingly sterotype the French. Why is it okay for you to say all boys are comfortable seeing sex scences but not for Cody to JOKINGLY say that the Fench don't bathe or whatnot?

    Cody: Exactly. I admit that I use sterotypes for purposes of humor. (Usually involving Arabs and explosives)I'm not even saying I have a problem with the sex-scene accusation. What I have a problem with is her saying it's okay for her but not us. As long as the sterotype is used jokingly then I don't mind. I just don't see why when WE do it we're racist.

  • At 6/4/06 1:09 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Being a BIGOT does not mean you use stereotypes. It means that you hold strong opinions and are unable to tolerate the opinions and ideas of others. EVERYONE has stereotypes--it's human nature to judge people and to categorize them. I am not denying that. My gender "argument" had much more to do with me not believing your claim than me holding something against teenage boys. (Even though they ARE evil, and I know this from experience.) I am guilty of having hormones myself, and although it may be difficult to hear that I fall victim to them sometimes, it's just a fact of life. My original point was that although everyone has stereotypes,and whether the ones expressed on this blog are humorous or not, they seem quite hurtful and offensive. You have the right to post almost whatever you please, but that also means that you are susceptible to the reactions of other bloggers.
    Frankly I don't know what point blogging has if not to connect with other people and to share your world with them. I am not a coward--I am honest about who I am and where I'm from and I can post my opinions just as freely as you.

  • At 6/4/06 2:38 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Okay, so you're justifying stereotypes, yet you still seem to judge my blog as hate? I've said it's not serious. In real life I can tolerate people from different countries, so I just don't see what the big problem is.

  • At 6/4/06 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Being a BIGOT does not mean you use stereotypes. It means that you hold strong opinions and are unable to tolerate the opinions and ideas of others.

    Fine if you want to play sementics you're a sexist. Feel better now?

    EVERYONE has stereotypes--it's human nature to judge people and to categorize them. I am not denying that.

    Then why is it racist when we do it? That's all I'm asking.

    My original point was that although everyone has stereotypes,and whether the ones expressed on this blog are humorous or not, they seem quite hurtful and offensive.

    Then why isn't it offensive when YOU do it?

    All I'm trying to figure out here is why you're not sexist with your comment you were serious about but Cody's racist when he WASN'T serious.

  • At 6/4/06 6:35 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Dark, I can't justify the exact same things everytime I comment, so please stop asking me to. There isn't really much else for me to say because I've done a pretty good job of explaining myself.

  • At 7/4/06 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's the fact that she maintains there is a difference when she does it more than the comment itself that offends me.

  • At 7/4/06 3:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Cool Cody! I see you've deleted many comments.

    I find it utterly fascinating that those on the left think it's o.k. to burn our President in effigy. Same with our flag. That they find no issue with saying things al la Alec Baldwin, yet, post a few lefty jokes and they are up in arms.

    Screw 'em.

  • At 9/4/06 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There is one group of people I am not tolerant of -- and I make no apologies for my intolerance. Conservative Right Wing liars and deluded fools who buy into their lies.

    And this is why you are not to be taken seriously. If you cannot be open-minded enough to accept that the other might be right then you have lost all your credit.

    I'd also note your website has some ads on it that are extremely pro-Democrat. Obviously this isn't a news source. It's more of an opinion site. Still let's look at it and find the inconsistensies.

    How dare they hijack this religion. Liberal Christians, Stand up and Shout, Hell No, You will not Get away with this !

    Well I thought you'd be having a field day what with your OCD need to correct others' grammatical mistakes. First of all the first line is a question and ends with a period. Second of all the words 'stand,' 'shout,' 'no,' 'you,' and 'get' are capitilized and should not be. I've seen my eight year old brother make this mistake, but to a lesser extent. Obviously whoever wrote this loses credibility under YOUR OWN RULES that bad grammer makes an arguement look bad.

    Yet I see few Religious Right Churches actively involved in Soup Kitchens, Homeless Shelters, and other worthy causes that help the least of these, our brethren.

    Has the writer visited a city lately? Many of the kitchens there are Christian, and politics usually has nothing to do with it, they just feed the poor. Actually the article has it backwords. Republicans prefer private charity like soup kitchens, liberals prefer government taxes going to the poor. I think the writer has to read the Bible more carefully. Jesus said that we should give to the poor, not the government should give to the poor.

    They will tell you they oppose violence but the Religious Right are quite the War Mongers

    Actually in the Old Testament, which is part of Christianity God told people many times to make war with others. The Israellites were told to wipe out the people living in Israel. And have you ever heard of Jericho? You have to obey God too, not just Jesus, that's part of Christianity.

    They oppose abortion but they seem to support child abuse ( see Dobson).

    That's really unfair, and not true at all. So here we have an actual lie.

    The other points are too numerous or ridicolous to discuss. Let's look at the conclusion.

    What happened to Reverence for God and not throwing his name around for political and power purposes?

    Maybe someone should have told the protesters at the King funeral, who turned a holy service into a political protest.

    And if you want to look at people not liking God let's look at who does it the most. The ACLU, the Democrats who want to take God out of the pledge, not allow MErry Christmas to be said. Please, it's you who want to end Christianity.

    But what does this have to do with the topic? Nothing. Again you prove you can't argue the topic.

    Your second link didn't even work, so so much for that.

    Now that is stupid. Not funny in the least.

    It wasn't a joke.

    Conservatism is a mental disorder. Why keep voting Republican when Republicanism/Conservatism clearly doesn't work??

    Well if that's so, and homosexuality isn't a choice, then therefore I must not have a choice either right? Don't try to persuade me because I don't have a choice right? You should be tolerant of me. I don't have a choice. It's not my fault, I don't have a choice. How's that for you?

  • At 9/4/06 1:22 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Jenn said...
    I find it utterly fascinating that those on the left think it's o.k. to burn our President in effigy. Same with our flag. That they find no issue with saying things al la Alec Baldwin, yet, post a few lefty jokes and they are up in arms.

    Screw 'em."

    Most Liberals would actually enjoy a humour blog such as the one I made, but bigots like w-dervish will hate anything I do because I'm a Conservative. But I just love how he wants us to be tolerant of other countries, yet he can't even tolerate the other party. How ridiculous.

    "There is one group of people I am not tolerant of -- and I make no apologies for my intolerance. Conservative Right Wing liars and deluded fools who buy into their lies......."

    That BS rant is completely off topic and I should just delete your comment. But I won't because unlike you, I can tolerate people from the other party.

  • At 10/4/06 1:07 AM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Cody Said... Most Liberals would actually enjoy a humour blog such as the one I made...

    You don't get the joke when Al Franken refers to Cheney having multiple heart attacks in his book The Truth (with jokes), yet you are getting all bent out of shape because I don't get the "joke" behind your hate blog???! You can't have it both ways.

    Cody Said... That BS rant is completely off topic and I should just delete your comment. But I won't because unlike you, I can tolerate people from the other party.

    My post was 100 percent ON TOPIC. We were discussing your hate blog and intolerance. I was responding to a post from Gayle, which I thought would be obvious, since I QUOTED her! Or did you miss that??

    Cody Said... Most Liberals would actually enjoy a humour blog such as the one I made, but bigots like w-dervish will hate anything I do because I'm a Conservative. But I just love how he wants us to be tolerant of other countries, yet he can't even tolerate the other party. How ridiculous.

    I refuse to tolerate corrupt liars -- which describes a large number of the Republicans in Washington now. I did NOT say I was intolerant of ALL Republicans. I think that Democrats and Republicans could possibly work together. That would be possible -- and I would support it -- if the Republicans would stop lying. After 9/11 we were all united -- or so the Democrats thought. It turns out that the Republicans were lying -- and scheming on how to use the tradjedy to their advantage (Karl Rove). I don't trust Republicans.

    What's really ridiculous is you pretending to be tolerant of liberals!

    Cody O'Connor said... CRAZY LIBERALS shut up, shut up shut up!

    Post from "The Better Wing" by Cody O'Connor: Attention all liberals! I've recently noticed that there is a LOT of liberals, and most of them don't really know what's going on. They just either take in too much liberal media or talk to liberals too much. That's why they make stuff up, they don't really know what they are talking about.

    Post from "The Better Wing" by Cody O'Connor: Know thy Enemy: Now for the updated definition of Liberal. 1: narrow-minded, 2: biased, 3: intolerant; harsh, 4: greedy, 5 unforgiving. ...I swear I haven't lied once on this blog. Maybe what I've said dosen't apply to some liberals, but definetly the majority. (The WHOLE post was nothing but lies!)

    Post from "The Better Wing" by Cody O'Connor: Know thy Enemy part 2. (a post by Cody which contains nothing but lies about liberals -- and refers to liberals as the "enemy".

    Cody said - in the thread for his "Democracy Prevails" Post... What, no reply? It looks like big bad dervish was only talk.

    You replied to my comments here, but not in the other thread. Should I conclude that "Big Bad" Cody is only talk?

    Cody Said... I should just delete your comment.

    Either you will or you won't. I don't have any control over what you do, so I don't know what the point of threatening me is. I'm not going to change what I say. If someone says something and I want to respond to it -- I'm NOT going to stop and say, "is this to far off topic?" As far as I am concerned this is just another of your MANY BSing tactics. Like when Robby says I'm wrong without explaining why. Or saying I'm wrong because what I posted is biased or an opinion -- again without explaining WHY what I posted was wrong. From now on if either of you post any response along those lines I will assume it is because you have no argument.

    DarkSaturos said... I'd also note your website has some ads on it that are extremely pro-Democrat. Obviously this isn't a news source. It's more of an opinion site.

    Did I say it was a news source? We're talking about religion. Yes, it is an opinion. An opinion I agree with. Strongly. Which is why I posted it. I am really getting tired of this whole opinion/bias non-argument of yours.

    DarkSaturos said... Well I thought you'd be having a field day what with your OCD need to correct others' grammatical mistakes.

    I don't have OCD. You have a point concerning the capitalized words which shouldn't be -- but I still agree with everything the person wrote. Anyway, I thought YOU didn't care about spelling errors... I thought it was the argument that counted? Or, are you just letting everyone know what a sh!t you are?

    DarkSaturos said... I think the writer has to read the Bible more carefully. Jesus said that we should give to the poor, not the government should give to the poor.

    We are the government! Don't you know how a Democracy works??

    Ministering to the Poor: Since 1996, when "welfare reform" was enacted, the number of unemployed, childless adults receiving food stamps has dropped by 59% nationally, and in New York City, by nearly 70%. Without soup kitchens and food pantries, many of which are operated by churches, millions of people would have no food. But the need is so great that private agencies -- even those with no religious affiliations or motivations -- cannot possibly fill the void. Nor should they be asked to do so. As a society, we have an obligation to provide people with the basic necessities of life. That's the job of the state, not the church. (Third World Traveler. by James Ridgeway. Dollars and Sense magazine, March/April 2001)

    DarkSaturos said... And if you want to look at people not liking God let's look at who does it the most. The ACLU, the Democrats who want to take God out of the pledge, not allow Merry Christmas to be said. Please, it's you who want to end Christianity.

    The "Religious Right" is an instrument of Satan.

    DarkSaturos said... Actually in the Old Testament, which is part of Christianity God told people many times to make war with others.

    You're citing the Old Testament as justification for bush's Iraq war with Iraq??!! So... what you think is that God told W to invade Iraq? WOW, I didn't know you were that looney!

    Haven't you heard of the NEW testament?

    The New Testament indicates that Jesus Christ established a new covenant relationship between God and his people (Hebrews 8; Jeremiah 31:31-34) and this new covenant speaks of the law or Torah being written upon the heart.

    DarkSaturos said... But what does this have to do with the topic? Nothing. Again you prove you can't argue the topic.

    My post was 100 percent ON TOPIC. We were discussing Cody's hate blog and intolerance. I was responding to a post from Gayle, which I thought would be obvious, since I QUOTED her! Or did you miss that??

    DarkSaturos said... Your second link didn't even work, so so much for that.

    Fundangelicals Are Not Christians

  • At 10/4/06 6:22 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "You don't get the joke when Al Franken refers to Cheney having multiple heart attacks in his book The Truth (with jokes), yet you are getting all bent out of shape because I don't get the "joke" behind your hate blog???! You can't have it both ways."

    You have got to be kidding me, laughing at someone else's pain is far from making stereotypical quirps.

    "My post was 100 percent ON TOPIC. We were discussing your hate blog and intolerance. I was responding to a post from Gayle, which I thought would be obvious, since I QUOTED her! Or did you miss that??"

    quoting someone doesn't make it on topic. My blog and your hate for conservative christians are two different things, okay?

    "What's really ridiculous is you pretending to be tolerant of liberals!"

    No it's not, those articles are all old, and at that time I did not tolerate them. Now, I have no problem having an open and civil debate. Of course, when things are off-topic, slander, hate, or insulting, you can bet I'll get ticked off and start deleting comments. But that doesn't mean I have the same irrational hate as you do. I just have the emotion called anger. Anger is not hate.

    "You replied to my comments here, but not in the other thread. Should I conclude that "Big Bad" Cody is only talk?"

    sure. I've been talking to you for quite a while. See, talking is pretty much all you can do with other people on the WWW. But seriously, I'll get to that comment soon enough.

    "Either you will or you won't. I don't have any control over what you do, so I don't know what the point of threatening me is. I'm not going to change what I say. If someone says something and I want to respond to it -- I'm NOT going to stop and say, "is this to far off topic?" As far as I am concerned this is just another of your MANY BSing tactics. Like when Robby says I'm wrong without explaining why. Or saying I'm wrong because what I posted is biased or an opinion -- again without explaining WHY what I posted was wrong. From now on if either of you post any response along those lines I will assume it is because you have no argument."

    Why should I feel obliged to respond to something that's off topic?

  • At 10/4/06 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You don't get the joke when Al Franken refers to Cheney having multiple heart attacks in his book The Truth (with jokes), yet you are getting all bent out of shape because I don't get the "joke" behind your hate blog???!

    The difference is that we're not suggesting anyone should die, or saying that that possibility is funny.

    Did I say it was a news source? We're talking about religion.

    Yes, I know. But we were talking of your opinion, which should be based on facts. Your opinion was that we were screwing up Christianity, but there were no facts.

    Anyway, I thought YOU didn't care about spelling errors... I thought it was the argument that counted?

    Yes, I was just pointing out to you that your arguement that bad grammer makes the arguement bad cannot be true if you think this article was a good arguement.

    We are the government! Don't you know how a Democracy works??

    Actually it's a republic that works like that, and that's what we are. However when I say the government shouldn't do it I mean the government shouldn't force people to pay charity. It should be done PRIVATELY.

    The "Religious Right" is an instrument of Satan.

    Okay that was a dumb statement. I think even you know that, and maybe you should think about better ways to express your arguement.

    You're citing the Old Testament as justification for bush's Iraq war with Iraq??!! So... what you think is that God told W to invade Iraq? WOW, I didn't know you were that looney!

    No, I'm using the Old Testament to justify WAR IN GENERAL. Where did I mention Iraq?

    The New Testament indicates that Jesus Christ established a new covenant relationship between God and his people

    So I'm aware, but it doesn't mean that we should just drop the Old Testament. It's like if someone had a treaty that built on an earlier treaty. It doesn't mean the other treaty is null and void.

    My post was 100 percent ON TOPIC. We were discussing Cody's hate blog and intolerance. I was responding to a post from Gayle, which I thought would be obvious, since I QUOTED her! Or did you miss that??

    I understand that, but how is attacking the religious right proving the point you're trying to make? It doesn't and is therefore off topic.

  • At 11/4/06 6:34 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "I understand that, but how is attacking the religious right proving the point you're trying to make? It doesn't and is therefore off topic."

    At least he's proving to us how bigoted he is. My blog would never be as hateful as what dervish spews.

  • At 13/4/06 7:33 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    DarkSaturos said... The difference is that we're not suggesting anyone should die, or saying that that possibility is funny.

    Hanging liberals for treason wouldn't kill them??!

    Following Dick Cheney's drunken hunting accident Al Franken said several times (on Air America) that were Harry Whittington to die the situation would go from funny to not funny really fast. It's the same situation with "heart attack jones" Cheney -- the jokes wouldn't be funny anymore if he were to drop dead from a heart attack. Al Franken is NOT wishing him ill. He is simply making light of the fact that Cheney has had a LOT of heart attacks. Would you object to a Michael Moore fat joke? Even though being overweight is unhealthy and could lead to his premature death? Neither of you has a clue concerning what actually is and what isn't funny, do you?

    DarkSaturos said... Yes, I know. But we were talking of your opinion, which should be based on facts. Your opinion was that we were screwing up Christianity, but there were no facts.

    There a plenty of facts -- you just choose to ignore, rationalize, or lie about them.

    DarkSaturos said... Okay that was a dumb statement. I think even you know that...

    Think what you want, but I stand behind my comments 100 percent. I think a lot of what you believe is stupid. You think that everyone pays their fair share of income taxes except poor welfare freeloaders -- now that's stupid! I look to the Religious Right and I see strong support for the warmongering George Bush... leaders like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson laying the blame for 9/11 and Katrina on feminists, homosexuals and people who support a woman's reproductive rights -- and calling for the assassination of democratically elected foreign leaders... Corrupt Republicans like Tom Delay proclaiming their Christianity... and I think that these people are not followers of Jesus -- it's clear to me that their hatred and lies are the work of the Devil.

    DarkSaturos said... I understand that, but how is attacking the religious right proving the point you're trying to make? It doesn't and is therefore off topic.

    Gayle claimed that liberals are not tolerant of Christians (by "Christians" she means the Religious Right). When she said, "I cannot bring myself to not comment on that last crack by Allisoni", why didn't you tell her she shouldn't have responded because SHE was off topic! No need to answer -- I already know why. Because it is OK for someone who says something you agree with to go "off topic", but when someone posts something disagree with it's a different story. What a load of hyprocritical BS.

    DarkSaturos said... Actually it's a republic that works like that, and that's what we are.

    Actually the United States is a Constitutional Federal Republic, which utilizes Representative Democracy.

    DarkSaturos said... However when I say the government shouldn't do it I mean the government shouldn't force people to pay charity. It should be done PRIVATELY.

    Well, I think you're dead wrong. I believe it is the government's moral obligation (as the representative of the people) to make sure that the neediest in our society are provided for. Your charity privitization plan would not work. The private sector simply does not have enough resources to adequately address the problem. Of course a lot of Republicans know this, they simply do not care that slashing government social programs would result in significantly more misery and DEATH among the less fortunate.

    DarkSaturos said... No, I'm using the Old Testament to justify WAR IN GENERAL. Where did I mention Iraq?

    You didn't mention Iraq, but I knew what you were talking about.

    DarkSaturos said... So I'm aware, but it doesn't mean that we should just drop the Old Testament. It's like if someone had a treaty that built on an earlier treaty. It doesn't mean the other treaty is null and void.

    What it means is that where the New Testament contradicts the Old Testament we should go by what the New Testament says.

    Cody Said... At least he's proving to us how bigoted he is. My blog would never be as hateful as what dervish spews.

    Your definition of bigotry includes someone who isn't tolerant of other people's hatred? This reminds me of a recent segment from The Daily Show titled "Racist Like Me", where Rob Cordry complained about being discriminated against because he is a racist. The joke being that NOBODY thinks that a bigot has a right to complain about being discriminated against for being a bigot.

  • At 16/4/06 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hanging liberals for treason wouldn't kill them??!

    Please tell me where I said we should do that.

    There a plenty of facts -- you just choose to ignore, rationalize, or lie about them.

    I put an ENTIRE COMMENT disproving it. Did you READ it?

    why didn't you tell her she shouldn't have responded because SHE was off topic!

    It was a response rather than a whole comment, that's why.

    Actually the United States is a Constitutional Federal Republic, which utilizes Representative Democracy.

    Hey genius, representitive democracy IS WHAT A REPUBLIC IS!

    Well, I think you're dead wrong.

    That's fine. And I think you're wrong. No need to go any further with that one.

    You didn't mention Iraq, but I knew what you were talking about.

    Oh so you know what I'm talking about huh? You're psychic or something? You can't just assume things like that.

    What it means is that where the New Testament contradicts the Old Testament we should go by what the New Testament says.

    No, it means that we should go by what pertains to the situation. If you want to use your arguement then let's look at it like this:

    Jesus said to feed the hungry, give to the poor etc. We did that in most wars we've fought!

    Your definition of bigotry includes someone who isn't tolerant of other people's hatred?

    No one here hates anyone else, except for you hating Republicans.


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