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Monday, April 10, 2006

It's a lie

Time and time again you hear people like John McCain, president Bush, and others say that illegal immigrants are taking the jobs that we won't. It couldn't be more false, and I only need to make one point to prove it false.

For the past couple of weeks, as you should know, there has been major protests by illegal immigrants who want amnesty. Just the other day there were protests in dozens of places, and there were 500,000 protestors just in Dallas. Last week and now this week, protests took place during work days, during work hours. So I ask, if the illegal immigrants are taking jobs we wont, then explain how thousands of illegals can miss a week of work to go protest? Simple, most of them just aren't even working, because there is no way you can miss a week of work and obtain any sort of a job. So does anyone know why people, even Bush, continue to make this lie? That illegal immigrants are taking the jobs we don't want. Why? It looks pretty clear that the illegals aren't taking any jobs at all. But when you think about it, why would they need a job, they get enough freebies from the government. It's clear that all they are doing is corrupting our society and taking our money from the taxpayers.

I know there are those radical laissez faire types who put economy above the law, but here me out for a minute. If they aren't giving anything, labor or money, then you tell me what the plus side of illegal immigration is! Yes I realize some illegal immigrants are still working, possibly higher depending on how my theory works, but the statement about them taking jobs we won't is still a lie. There are plenty of people who will take those jobs, they are entry level jobs made for young Americans to start with. Those, are being stolen from them, is that a plus? Not only that, but they are driving down wages, and if anything is going to further separate the rich from the poor, it's that sort of exploitation. Is that a good thing? No. There is no plus side. There is only bad and it will get worse by the day. But who cares if illegals block up traffic, raise crime and drug problems, and raise taxes? Apparantly not congress because they just went on a two week vacation. God help us all. I just hope there's one good politician left, just one. One person who wants a wall on that border. That one politician will get my vote in 2008.


  • At 10/4/06 10:11 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Doesn't this post belong on your other blog -- The one where you "joke" about hating everyone who isn't American? You can't seriously believe this. It must be a "joke".

  • At 11/4/06 6:17 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    What? Are you too stupid to understand a concept this simple? If you aren't at work for that long, you don't have a job, or you don't keep the one you had. So yes, I am serious about the consclusion that many illegal immigrants aren't even working. And for those who are, they are stealing entry level jobs from young Americans, and lowering wages, and I thought Liberals were for a minimum wage?

  • At 11/4/06 3:49 PM, Blogger PlaidBaron said…

    It appears the illegal immigrants, oops, sorry, have to be politicly correct, undocumented immigrants just hurt our economy, not help it. Even if they did take those jobs, there still would be a problem. They take up housing and schools. And when they do get a job they take it from the American people.

    Excellent post.

  • At 11/4/06 4:52 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    Okay, I proofread my post once more and fixed errors that were factually incorrect and fixed things I didn't quite mean. I apoligize for not being perfect.

  • At 11/4/06 11:18 PM, Blogger Gayle said…

    Cody! You said "I apologize for not being perfect!" How very silly of you. Don't you understand that you can never be perfect? Only liberals are perfect, remember?

    It's okay, though. I'm sure you just forgot.

    Seriously, very good post, Cody. And I agree with you completely.

    But I'm beginning to be a bit concerned about you. Arguing with all the liberals that are going to come in here is sort of like beating your head against a stone wall. After awhile it might have an adverse effect.

  • At 12/4/06 8:11 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "Only liberals are perfect, remember?"

    haha, well of course they are.

    "But I'm beginning to be a bit concerned about you. Arguing with all the liberals that are going to come in here is sort of like beating your head against a stone wall. After awhile it might have an adverse effect. "

    I do tend to have a habit of letting the liberals speak, and it might actually be a good plan apart from the headache. If I let them speak, I don't have to make them look bad, they can do that themselves.

  • At 12/4/06 4:26 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    DarkSaturos said... Well good! I hope they are deported. Are you in favor of CRIMINALS dervish?

    This is a perfect example of your serious reading comprehension problem. I said that they DON'T commit crimes because deportation would be the result. From that you deduced that I support criminal behavior??!

    DarkSaturos said... Well obviously not if they can protest for a week or more!

    Proof please? And Cody's post doesn't count as proof.

    Cody said... If I let [liberals] speak, I don't have to make them look bad, they can do that themselves.

    You're suggesting that (a significant percentage of) 12 million illegal immigrants are on the government dole, with ZERO proof to back up your ridiculous claim, and it's liberals who look bad??

    Why don't you watch the news or do some research before you just start making stuff up??

    Here's an article to get you started:

    Immigration Debate Heats Up (The Washington Post, 3/22/2006)

    You can easily deduce from this article that the people who protested (aside from those who are students) have jobs. Man, this ignorant post of yours is truly pathetic!

    Also (talk about looking bad), most people think that being called racist is a bad thing -- you have denied being racist multiple times on this blog... why don't you "come out of the closet" already and admit you are proud of your racism?

  • At 12/4/06 5:11 PM, Blogger MJ said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 12/4/06 5:17 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "Proof please? And Cody's post doesn't count as proof."

    I need to back this up with news articles? If you don't come to a job for that long, unannounced, you don't keep it.

    I said...
    "If I let [liberals] speak, I don't have to make them look bad, they can do that themselves."

    "You're suggesting that (a significant percentage of) 12 million illegal immigrants are on the government dole, with ZERO proof to back up your ridiculous claim, and it's liberals who look bad??"

    Okay, California alone spends 10 billion on illegal immigrants per year, and that's not even including the welfare which can be gained through phoney social security numbers or children of illegals born in the US.

    "Why don't you watch the news or do some research before you just start making stuff up??"

    why don't you go in a corner and cry yourself to sleep?

    "You can easily deduce from this article that the people who protested (aside from those who are students) have jobs. Man, this ignorant post of yours is truly pathetic!"

    Actually I can't quite do that when the link doesn't work, try posting some of it. By the way, when are you going to leave, I get tired of talking to arrogant, hateful, angry, intolerant, irrational, bigots.

    "why don't you "come out of the closet" already and admit you are proud of your racism?"

    Because I'm not racist. Why can't you just get over your irrational bigotry toward those who disagree with you and accept the fact that your rederict is both slanderous and narrow minded. For the last time, will you please just f- off? I'm tired of talking to extremists. I'd rather talk to a rational Liberal who enjoys discussions over angry hate spewing.

  • At 12/4/06 9:32 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Cody O'Connor said... And it's a complete lie. They get put in American prisons and are paid for by us! And it is not a deterrant for crime either, there is a LOT of crime commited by illegals. Drug smuggling, gun fights, do you watch the news dervish? Or is it just that the liberal media deceiving you again?

    Yes, some unsavory types cross the border for the purpose of carrying out illegal activities. Those were NOT the people protesting.

    Why would illegal aliens be put in US prisons? Wouldn't we just deport them?? What about some links to back up your claims? Could it be because they don't exist -- because you're just making this all up? Or, more likely, you're twisting actual news stories to support your bigoted viewpoints.

    FYI, the "liberal media" couldn't possibly be deceiving me because there is no such thing. That is just another right wing lie.

    Cody said... I need to back this up with news articles? If you don't come to a job for that long, unannounced, you don't keep it.

    YES!! This claim of yours -- that the same people were protesting all week... I did some googling and found NOTHING to back up what you're saying. Where did you get the idea that it was the same people every day?? PROOF PLEASE.

    Or can you not provide any proof because you're LYING??

    Cody said... Okay, California alone spends 10 billion on illegal immigrants per year, and that's not even including the welfare which can be gained through phoney social security numbers or children of illegals born in the US.

    Proof?? Phony social security numbers? Seems to me that should be something that would be easy to catch. Yes, some money is spent on these people, but what about the money they generate for the economy? I watched a little of Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN and they clearly stated that if all the illegal immigrants were to leave that our economy would take a noticable hit.

    Cody said... why don't you go in a corner and cry yourself to sleep?

    Because I choose to spend my time researching a topic instead of simply making up "facts".

    Cody said... Because I'm not racist.

    So you claim. Your posts prove otherwise.

    Cody said... Why can't you just get over your irrational bigotry toward those who disagree with you and accept the fact that your rederict is both slanderous and narrow minded. I'd rather talk to a rational Liberal who enjoys discussions over angry hate spewing.

    I don't have a problem with people who disagree with me. I have a problem with people who lie and see nothing wrong with discrimination. My disagreeing with your racist remarks is "hate spewing"? No. Again I refuse to be tolerant of people who are intolerant. Call it "hate spewing" or irrational if you want -- but that isn't going to stop me from defending what I know is right.

    Who are these "rational liberals" you keep talking about? Are you sure you're not thinking of moderate Republicans?

    BTW there isn't anything wrong with my link. It works fine for me. Also, I notice that you said NOTHING about the US citizens who make all this possible. Checking a SSN is quite easy. There would be no (or significantly less) reason for anyone to illegally cross the border if nobody would give them a job when they got here. No, according to you it is all the illegal immigrant's fault. They are simply determined to do whatever is necessary to improve their lives... apparently you think that is a crime.

    Immigration Debate Heats Up. (excerpt) Philadelphia -- The phones started jumping off their hooks early on that "Scary Tuesday," so named because callers were spreading panic in this city's Spanish-speaking community. They said federal agents were hauling illegal immigrants from their jobs and deporting them.

    Activists say the debate in Washington over the toughest proposals against illegal immigration in recent times was the reason behind the panic. The fear and paranoia were so strong on that Tuesday, Jan. 31, that the Italian Market at Ninth Street and Washington Avenue virtually shut down because illegal immigrants refused to come to work at meatpacking plants, vegetable stands, fish markets and restaurants. (The Washington Post, 3/22/2006)

    That's strange... how could any business virtually shut down because illegal immigrants refused to show up for jobs they didn't have in the first place? Who should I believe? The Washington Post or Cody O'Connor? Clearly one of them is lying.

  • At 13/4/06 4:16 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "That's strange... how could any business virtually shut down because illegal immigrants refused to show up for jobs they didn't have in the first place?"

    I'm sure most of them got fired. Even if you don't need to pay them much, they will get fired if they start skipping work. So yes, I repeat, at this time I am sure many illegals are unemployed and on welfare.

  • At 13/4/06 7:20 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Cody O'Connor said... Are you kidding me, moron? I backed it up in my next post!

    Uh, that post doesn't have any links in it. Citing yourself as a source isn't proof.

    Cody O'Connor said... I got that fact from Wikipedia's article on illegal immigration, is that too Conservatively bigoted for you? Dumass.

    What, am I psychic? How am I supposed to know where your "facts" come from if you don't cite any sources?? Dumbass.

    According to Wikipedia's article Illegal Immigration, the 29 percent figure you cite is an ESTIMATE. Also, if you didn't notice, at the end of that sentence it says "citation needed". No wonder you didn't say where that piece of information came from!

    In any case, even if this is true:

    (1) Illegal Immigrants who commit crimes other than the murder of a US citizen should be deported. If the crime is serious we should make certain (via treaty) that they are punished when returned to Mexico.

    (2) What does this have to do with the majority of illegal Mexican immigrants who come only to work?

    In 2005 the United States became the country with the most people incarcerated and the highest incarceration rate of any nation in the world (The United States Versus the World). Do you think that other countries should expell US citizens because our high incarceration rate reflects poorly on all Americans?

    Cody O'Connor said... I'm sure most of them got fired. Even if you don't need to pay them much, they will get fired if they start skipping work. So yes, I repeat, at this time I am sure many illegals are unemployed and on welfare.

    Hmm, I was just talking to a friend about this, and he said he read that their employers were taking them back... which makes sense. Otherwise they'd have to shut down for a few days (and lose a lot of money) to hire replacements. That is IF they could find replacements.

    Anyway, according to you they never had jobs to begin with! So how can someone be fired from a job they never had???

    Cody Said... So yes, I repeat, at this time I am sure many illegals are unemployed and on welfare.

    I repeat -- where is your proof??!

  • At 15/4/06 3:16 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Cody Said... So yes, I repeat, at this time I am sure many illegals are unemployed and on welfare.

    FYI It does NOT say this on Wikipedia.

  • At 16/4/06 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    FYI It does NOT say this on Wikipedia.

    It's an inference. That's what you do when you infer things from news stories you post. What's the difference?


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