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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Iraq War Vet Sues Moore


"A veteran who lost both arms in the war in Iraq is suing filmmaker Michael Moore for $85 million, alleging that Moore used snippets of a television interview without his permission to falsely portray him as anti-war in "Fahrenheit 9/11.""


"In his interview with NBC, Damon was asked about a new painkiller the military was using on wounded veterans. He claims in his lawsuit that the way Moore used the film clip in "Fahrenheit 9/11" - Moore's scathing 2004 documentary criticizing the Bush administration and the war in Iraq - makes him appear to "voice a complaint about the war effort" when he was actually complaining about "the excruciating type of pain" that comes with the injury he suffered."


"In his lawsuit, Damon says he "agrees with and supports the President and the United States' war effort, and he was not left behind.""


""It's upsetting to him because he's lived his life supportive of his government, he's been a patriot, he's been a soldier, and he's now being portrayed in a movie that is the antithesis of all of that," Damon's lawyer, Dennis Lynch, said."


"Damon is seeking $75 million in damages for emotional distress and loss of reputation. His wife is suing for an additional $10 million in damages because of the mental distress caused to her husband, Lynch said."


Wow, what can I say? Other than Michael Moore is a lying sack of crap? Oh, I could say he's a lying sack of crap 59 times over. But before you slam me, I have seen his BS movie so I know for a fact it's filled to the top with quotes taken out of context, and all out lies. But my favorite part of the movie where he is most anti-American is the Iraq montage. He says something like " We striked a peaceful country that never did anything to us," while showing footage of Iraqi kids on slides and then us dropping a bomb. He has too done things to us, like those planes he shot down for example. But the kids on slides thing is the most offensive, there is genocide going on in this "peaceful" country and he shows us footage that is probably from after we invaded? Just do yourself a favor and pretend he doesn't exist. I know it's hard since he's large enough to be one of Earths moons, but at least try.


  • At 1/6/06 1:10 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    Yeah, now is the time when you try to say what Iraq did to us, because you know it did absolutely nothing.

  • At 1/6/06 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He DID in fact say what they did. They shot at our planes numerous times. Besides we've already found that at least one anti-war protester was lying. How can you still believe what Moore says after reading this?

  • At 1/6/06 6:27 PM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    "How can you still believe what Moore says after reading this?"

    That's just how deluded they've become. Kind of sad really.

  • At 1/6/06 8:07 PM, Blogger Allisoni Balloni said…

    I didn't say anything about Michael Moore. I said that you know full well that Iraq didn't do anything to us worth invading them for, until someone needed to come up with a reason to be there once it was too late.

  • At 2/6/06 2:39 PM, Blogger PlaidBaron said…

    It's the only way Micheal Moore can even make it look like a soldier is complaining.

  • At 2/6/06 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I didn't say anything about Michael Moore. I said that you know full well that Iraq didn't do anything to us worth invading them for, until someone needed to come up with a reason to be there once it was too late.

    Until it was too late? There were 33 reasons that Congress approved to go to war before it even started. How can you say there were no reasons until after?

  • At 2/6/06 4:19 PM, Blogger Rebekah said…

    I'm really glad the guy is suing Michael Moore. About time someone who was used by him stood up against the blatant lies and distortions. I don't really think he'll win, but I hope it lasts long enough that the media can't ignore it!


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