Sheehan's Comeback Tour!
Known for her CD's "Socialist Cindy", "Moveon.George Bush", and the hit single "Bush Bash", fans have been wondering what happened to the Pop(ulist) star Cindy Sheehan and the Gold Star Families for Peace band! For months, fans have been without Sheehan's "performances" and people want to know where the Waco Wonder has gone.
Well, Entertainment Tonight (aka MSNBC) has announced that the Waco Wonder has bought her own stadium in Crawford Texas and is preparing for another dazzling comeback tour this August. She will be performing from August 16 through September 2. Get your tickets at ticketmaster today because she's selling out fast (to Latino dictators anyways).
Guest appearances are subject to change but you can expect that sometime during the tour there will be an appearance by the secret service, and maybe even the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Be sure to bring a notepad for autographs.
But also before you go, make sure you have a Cindy approved t-shirt including the top seller "9/11 was an inside job". Just don't try to get in there with a hair and makeup kit, try using Cindy's approved "Smelly Liberal Scent" bodyspray.
See you all there!
At 28/7/06 6:29 PM, WomanHonorThyself said…
Sign me up dude...LOL...great great!..:)
At 28/7/06 9:34 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
Thanks womanhonorthyself! Welcome to the Better Wing by the way!
At 29/7/06 2:19 AM, John Washburn said…
I'm surprised she has decided to purchase land in Texas. After all, she's made it clear that Venezuela is a much better place to live. Seems these progressives nuts have difficulty putting their money where their mouth is
At 29/7/06 10:21 AM, Cody O'Connor said…
john said...
"I'm surprised she has decided to purchase land in Texas. After all, she's made it clear that Venezuela is a much better place to live."
Yeah, that's a good point.
At 30/7/06 9:28 AM, Anonymous said…
Bought five acres of land eh? Well she is suffering isn't she? Boy I'm glad all those funds the anti-war activists sent are being put to good use. What do they plan to name it anyway I wonder?
At 30/7/06 9:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Actually I shouldn't be sarcastic. It's actually a good thing these people who keep sending money are seeing this. How much would you like it if you saw your donation used like that? Hopefully people will realize that she's just a huge fake. Buying it in Texas is just a front to make it look like she's doing something productive.
At 1/8/06 9:28 AM, Cody O'Connor said…
by all means, be sarcastic. That's what my whole post was.
At 5/8/06 6:11 PM, PlaidBaron said…
I have no idea why she keeps trying. She keeps causing trouble, getting carried away(Literally)and starting all over again.
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