Worse than Flag Burning
Any regular person who follows politics and watches the news becomes accustomed to seeing horrible things, though some horrible things you can never become accustomed to. Every night people sit at their TV's and watch as people drown in floods, die in wars, and get attacked while the criminal gets little punishment. Because we see these horrible things so often, a hurricane is something you can brush off unless it brings a storm near you and it disrupts your satellite TV and you can't watch your American Idol. Let me be honest, I'm more worried about getting an in-grown toenail than seeing another hurricane hit Florida. Being selfish isn't exactly abnormal however, it's just your primitive Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. When it comes to other people, it's quite easy to forget their troubles.
However, there are some horrible things that happen that aren't so easy to brush off and that is when people harm things you believe in. One of the first things that comes to mind is the American flag. The American flag is more than just a piece of cloth with a design on it, it has meaning. The flag represents the things that America stands for, and the American people cherish. Freedom, liberty, happiness are some of the things represented by the flag. Things that are cherished so much by the American people that they will fight for them, they will die for them. It would wrong not to be upset when you see that flag desecrated. But even though your initial reaction is wanting to ban it, perhaps that's not such a good idea after all.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'll be the first to say that the people who burn our flags should be burned themselves, but lets get something clear. When people desecrate flags; people like the Westboro Baptist Church, they aren't destroying what the flag stands for, or what America stands for. The only thing that would destroy what the American flag stands for, is the banning of flag desecration.
Call me whatever you want, but I believe my stance is what's right, and what's patriotic. Let me tell you why. What did I talk about earlier? About what the flag stood for? Do you remember what I said? Was it freedom, and liberty? Yes. That's what this flag is about, and that's what this country is about. This flag stands for freedom. The freedom to salute the flag, or burn it. Ironically, allowing someone to burn an American flag only strengthens its meaning. Banning its desecration however, destroys its meanings.
It limits our freedoms in this country, and freedom is what our flag represents. By banning flag desecration, it no longer represents that. You can fly your flag all day, but it would no longer mean anything. Except for socialism maybe. If that's what you want to put in its place. Seeing as though you are making owned flags; private property, into government property that is controlled.
You have to ask yourself what is more important? Saving a few flags from being burned yet destroying its meaning or giving it a bad one? Or letting people do what they want with their private property and still retaining the flags meaning that is freedom? Not only is banning flag desecration a step toward socialism, but it really isn't a necessary discussion. How often do you see people burn flags? Honestly. The hippy decade is over, the Vietnam war is over. Rarely do you see our flag burned. Yes, it does happen, but rarely. Before taking your initial emotion as what's right, just piece together the facts, and put your priorities in order. This ban isn't really what you want, not if you're a true patriot.
To sum up my point in one sentence, it's simply this: Banning flag burning is worse than flag burning because it destroys its meaning, freedom.
At 5/7/06 12:03 PM, Anonymous said…
And how about the thoery of private property? That is, if I have a flag I want to burn, but it's illegal, then I'm not free to do what I want with it? That sounds like the flag would be government property. That sounds like socialism.
At 5/7/06 12:11 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
That's a good point Robby.
At 5/7/06 12:41 PM, PlaidBaron said…
I personally would never burn a flag but your right, people should have the right to. It's kind of wierd that way. Of course now someone is going to come along and start calling you anti-american...
Good post.
At 5/7/06 12:52 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
yeah, I'm really in a position I don't want to be in, but all I can do is stand up for what I think is right. I'm not some party-line following guy, I say what i think. I just hope others can understand where I'm coming from.
At 6/7/06 10:38 AM, Gayle said…
I like your new Avitar, Cody, and it's good to see you posting again! :)
People burning the symbol of this country makes me furious! I personally think it carries freedom of speech over the top, and yet I do understand your point here.
I don't believe anyone will call you an anti-American though. Anyone who has read you at all should know better.
At 7/7/06 12:04 AM, Anonymous said…
I'm in complete agreement with you, Cody. I'd point out that people who burn the flag are doing nothing but crippling their cause...burning the flag is the absolute worst way to gain support for whatever your issue may be. Still, banning it would be contradicting what we stand for as a nation.
OT- I remember you saying you got XM radio..enjoying it? I've been subscribing for about the last three years...you got any favorite channels?
At 7/7/06 11:09 AM, Cody O'Connor said…
gameguy22006 said...
"I'm in complete agreement with you, Cody. I'd point out that people who burn the flag are doing nothing but crippling their cause...burning the flag is the absolute worst way to gain support for whatever your issue may be. Still, banning it would be contradicting what we stand for as a nation."
Hey Gameguy, it has been a while. I'm glad we agree on this.
"OT- I remember you saying you got XM radio..enjoying it? I've been subscribing for about the last three years...you got any favorite channels?"
I listen to the talk stations the most, and I try to listen to them all. Talk radio, America right, abc news and talk, and believe it or not I listen to air america more than fox news talk. I also like big tracks and top tracks for music.
Also, I just got DSL and animal crossing for the DS. Assuming you have it too, we could share friend codes? Mine is 5369-4449-4786
At 7/7/06 10:15 PM, Anonymous said…
No, haven't bought AC yet. I like Ethel, Flight 26, the Mix...for talk, I keep it tuned to 150 or 202. Uncensored radio baby...the FCC can't touch it, and I love it. They're just words anyway :)
At 13/7/06 4:17 PM, Anonymous said…
weird thicko
At 14/7/06 9:30 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
Now I just remembered why I used to have anonymous comments disabled. Pathetic. you don't really think a two word blurb will change my life do you? Actually, don't answer that rhetoric question. I don't want to see you post on my blog again. I won't have morons like you turn a friendly debate into a hostile insult fest. Get lost.
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