Happy 4'th of July
I started writing a post on flag burning but I decided it wasn't an appropriate discussion during the fourth of July weekend, so I will post that one in a day or two.
Also, I feel I need to keep in touch with my fellow bloggers more so a few things. First I will be having a weekly Free Forum Friday where I'll ask some questions for a conversation starter but other than that its whatever you want to talk about with no rules or guidelines. Talk about news, talk about me, talk about you, or whatever. So be looking for that. Also, I will be checking up on your blogs a lot more often too.
No updates on my book yet. I have a lot going on now so it might be a while before I have time to sit down and think about what I want, print out research, and set up the books look. But when I do get started I will make sure to keep you updated and tease you with a paragraph here and there.
Well, I think that's about it, I should be back in the political game tomorrow with what will probably be a controversial post on the topic of flag burning.
Farewell until then.
At 4/7/06 9:23 PM, Anonymous said…
We didn't really have a party. We just went hiking and then played with explosives, water balloons and air guns. (We drew famous commie faces on the balloons and then shot them with the air guns.) Then we used this firecracker powered PVC pipe cannon to shoot tennis balls. Oh yeah...
At 4/7/06 9:35 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
Awwww, make me feel bad Robby. All I got to do was listen to people say how I've grown and ask other mundane questions. Just kidding, it wasn't really that bad. Did you experiene hail too?
At 4/7/06 9:36 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
^ experience
At 4/7/06 10:00 PM, Gayle said…
If they didn't pinch your cheeks, Cody, and rub the top of your head while telling you what a big boy you have become, consider yourself luck! ;)
It's really good to see you back, Cody. I'm looking forward to it.
OMG! Ward Churchill is babbeling on Fox News. He's being interviewed. He's such a screwy, twisted moron! I absolutely hate the fact his last name is Churchill and I'll bet money that Winston would too if he were here.
At 5/7/06 9:39 AM, PlaidBaron said…
I look foward to the post on about flag burning. It's actually a topic I've been thinking about lately, so it ought to be interesting.
At 5/7/06 10:09 AM, Anonymous said…
Did you experiene hail too?
Haha, nope. We were in Naples (Naples Maine of course) hiking when it rained/hailed etc. When we came back some breakers had blown out though.
I absolutely hate the fact his last name is Churchill and I'll bet money that Winston would too if he were here.
Yeah I hate that too. Winston Churchill was the complete oppisite of Ward Churchill. Conservative, warlike, god fearing and honest. War Churchill really isn't.
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