A Two Front War
But why should this Connecticut primary be discussed by me? A Mainer? Because it proves that with the help of nutjob sites like the daily kos, a person can win any election if he's against the war in Iraq. In fact, you don't have to have a position on any other topic. And unfortunately, I think we're going to see this become a pattern from now till 2008. Any Democrat is going to get elected just by saying "I'm against the war."
That's why Conservatives, Republicans, and Neolibertarians, can't afford to not vote. We have just seen how Liberal organizations like the daily kos can rally enough libs to get any person elected. That is why it is up to us, the alternative media, from today until the last person has voted in 2008, to make sure we don't have a Democratic president who will lose us the war on terror.
Soldiers fighting for our country are certainly important, but don't forget about the importance of the blogosphere. With hard work, we can make sure the people understand the importance of the war in Iraq, and why leaving could get us killed. Without us bloggers, politicians could make horrible decisions that make our troops less safe! Or American civilians less safe!
People must understand that civil war in Iraq if we leave, is the least of our problems. If we leave Iraq, we no longer have a strangle-hold on Iran. The country that Iraq, Afghanistan, and yes, Dubai, all border. It would leave them open for obtaining then using weapons on us and Israel! All that could happen if we let a Democrat run our country. But there is still a chance that won't happen, but only from the help of bloggers and the alternative media. We need to spread our message to the people so they understand, and don't make the mistake of voting for a Democrat.
You don't have to be a soldier to fight for our country. The media war is just as important, and someone has to fight it. Right now that someone is us, the bloggers. We must understand that we can only beat Islamofascism if we win on both fronts. Soldiers fighting the enemy without, and bloggers fighting the enemy within. Then, and only then can we win this war on terror. So for the sake of our country, keep fighting bloggers. You're more important than you may know.
At 9/8/06 12:40 PM, Anonymous said…
52 to 48 is pretty close. Maybe people don't hate Lieberman as much as the liberals want us to think.
At 14/8/06 10:28 PM, Anonymous said…
Yes, how dare that Lamont agree with mainstream America and oppose the war in Iraq and win the Democratic Primary... it makes me sick. The horrid Democrats are always doing what America tells them. Those sick-o's dare let the people control them? I say, what country are we in?
All sarcasim aside, if Republicans are going out of their way so much to defend Lieberman, it just shows how much he's in the Right Wings pocket. He agreed with an unjust war and still agrees with it. Good job for him sticking to his guns and all, but he still has to pay the price for being wrong. Although all the Republicans can still give Lieberman a pat on the back for splitting the Democratic vote by deciding to keep running as an independent, making it easier for a Republican to win. So good job Lieberman, you know how to screw over the Democrats in office and out.
At 15/8/06 10:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Yes, how dare that Lamont agree with mainstream America and oppose the war in Iraq
Um Anonymus, if mainstream America agrees with that then why did Bush get voted in twice?
All sarcasim aside, if Republicans are going out of their way so much to defend Lieberman, it just shows how much he's in the Right Wings pocket.
No anonymus it's just the war part that we agree with Lieberman on. And you have to remember that, unlike Lamont, Lieberman has actually been to Iraq. He went there to try and find out if it was really going badly because as you'll recall, he thought it might be. But he went there and found out that it wasn't as bad as all that. I mean has Dean been there? No. Has Lamont been there? No. Lieberman has which is something you have to remember. He might just know more than you on this issue.
Although all the Republicans can still give Lieberman a pat on the back for splitting the Democratic vote by deciding to keep running as an independent, making it easier for a Republican to win.
Actually I'd vote for Lieberman over a Republican in'08. And besides, he would run as a Democrat but you all hate him so he can't. It's not like he would like to split your votes, but you pretty much kicked him out of the party! I thought Democrats were open-minded, but they apperantly aren't open-minded enough to accept a war-supporting Democrat.
At 16/8/06 1:05 PM, Cody O'Connor said…
What do we have here? A daily Kos associate?
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