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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Things Coming Soon (please read this)

The truth is, my blog has been on a downward slope for the past few months. I've been posting less and less and I've lost about 20 weekly readers.

Now as a Capitalist instead of whining and complaining, I sat down and thought about what was wrong and how I can fix it. For the most part, there are two major problems. My motivation to write and your motivation to read, and the reason why was so simple it should have it me sooner.

Politically, I have changed. I've been saying it for months that I've been getting more Libertarian, and oddly enough that's when I started losing readers. With this particular blog I have put myself in a place where readers are expecting the writer to be a Conservative. I put myself in this hole from the beginning by simply naming the blog "the Better Wing". From there the website only got more Conservative looking with the name, template, links and the rest, while I have been getting more Libertarian.

So what's the answer to why I am losing motivation to write? Just from something as small as the blogs name I have constricted myself to one thing. Conservative politics. I'm not supposed to have independent opinions, or talk about movies and technology. Therefore the less I care about Conservatism, the less I have to write about. Then you lose your motivation to read because for a year you've come here expecting to see Conservative political posts, and when I do anything else, it's not what you want.

It's the last thing I wanted to have to do, but here's my solution. I'm shutting down The Better Wing and moving to a new blog. Let me emphasize that I am not done with blogging, I am simply moving websites.

I plan on making a new template over this week and when I'm done I will create the blog and this blog will either redirect to it, I will make my last post here have the link right there, or I will put someone else in charge of the site.

With my new blog you will see the real me. I'll feel more comfortable talking about what I believe in and talk about the non-political things that I like to do, but I assure you, you don't want to stop reading my stuff. You will see more quality and quantity once I'm rolling with this, and in the end I am very sure you will like the change.

But I do realize in the confusion I will lose some readers, and really sorry about that. I just can't keep pretending to be something I'm not. I'm not a right wing extremist who DVR's 10 political shows a day and reads books after books about politics. I have a life. Yes, I do spend a lot of time with politics and I always will, but there are other things I would like to write about as well, and maybe in the process I'll find an even bigger fan base. Who knows. I'm going to take the risk and hope things turn out okay. And beg that you still read my work.

I'll keep you updated!


  • At 23/9/06 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I haven't done much either. I've been a bit busy with things. Should be less hectic after Cross Country season.

  • At 24/9/06 9:36 AM, Blogger Cody O'Connor said…

    I have plenty of time to write, I just need more topics to talk about when I get sick of politics.

    my new blog is going to be at

    I'm obviously not done yet, but you can check it out.


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